Sending Danny to the nervous hospital was just a trial for what we are about to embark upon

10  2018-08-17 by PsychopathyRed

we will send an elderly black grandmother who thinks she's white into such an alcoholic rage-filled stupor that she will destroy certain fragments of her psyche. From this point onward, she will delve into a realm of consciousness that psycho-cybernetic doctors have referred to as Obscuria, where in her fantasies she lives life as a salt-of-the-earth John Wayne-type, but in reality is a rotting vegetable/fruit having her essence drained of her by a parasitic sibling


He will think he's on a nationally televised show delivering side splitting quips about black people and libs when in reality an orderly is feeding him baby food while he's strapped to a bed awaiting electroshock treatments

And when the treatment's over they wheel him back out to the common room beside Danny and they stare out the window drooling together. Lovers reunited. It's beautiful in a way.

I’m aiming for nothing less than Tony Two-Shirts in total destitution.

Yes. I want him to be like the gym teacher from Seinfeld who called George "Can'tstandja" who wound up homeless and insane with yellow baked bean teeth

And when the treatment's over they wheel him back out to the common room beside Danny and they stare out the window drooling together. Lovers reunited. It's beautiful in a way.