I think this might be the one that makes him leave Gab

235  2018-08-17 by Compound_MediaPR



I am ashamed of myself for recognizing the brutality of your post and still being able to laugh out loud about it.

you are neveeeer to blaaame


Our anus

us the place thatsmells like shit

What's the significance of "DiLeonardi"? I need to know so I can laugh harder.

It's just her last name

Bless her, she deserved better than two utter faggot niggers for sons.

don't know about that--she did raise them wrong.

This reminds me of Jim laughing at a Steve Martin tweet when Opie brought up how bad his Twitter jokes were but it was just him plugging a album he was releasing.

Of course she has some long woppy name.

She's Irish afaik , I think that's her second husbands name,the one that called her RO. That's right,the Cumia kids are actually half-Sicilian,how fucking strong was Cumia Sr.'s seed that it wiped millennia of celtics inbreeding on an island creating pink-skinned peoples

so dark

Just like her sons & ex-husband.

I wanted to do a literal Jim response to try and be funny. Then I realised I hate that fucking worm.

We're not here to talk about your stool. We're here to terrorize an unemployed shock jock.

quit punching up, cracker.

You're mad, dougfunny86. Why?

not mad just bored on a day off. heading to the driving range. do you enjoy golfing as well

I tried once but a guy told me I couldn't have my clubs on the green so I just abandoned the whole ordeal.

Its rare I will actually laugh out loud at something online. This made me.

I'm going to pray.

Who knew I would end up loving GAB?

This GAB thing, it's got legs

Gab is filled with people who think every part of pizzagate is real. Give it some time and they’ll start attacking Anthony.

He's so obscure he never got invited to the pizza parties

Anthonys pedo ventures are called pizzafacegate


He’s going to take two bars of Xanax and go put on her high heels/cry as soon as he sees this.

It's like they went and dug the old girl up for one last drink.

Wow. That's dark.

Thanks to the Moors.

Moops, that's a fine.

lot of 15 year old jim norton's here

This is beyond hubbabubba aids. This shit straight dark

Inhale yeah man, this sub can get really fuckin daaark lip smack

"Shaaauut aaaauuup!" (to the tune of Ha-lle-lu-jah)

Is that better?

And the best part is, he cant block anyone on gab. So he sees everything.

This is going to be so much fun.

Unfortunately he probably isn't ever going to log back into Gab again after he sees what's there for him. He'll just make more twitter alts with less and less followers until he reaches ultimate obscurity.

I'm taking over/under bets on dates for when he resorts to using the default egg picture to avoid bans

He should use a picture of his ass egg

But surely he supports Free Speech right????

He can mute people tho

I see why he didn't join

You can mute tho

Jesus Christ.

Son of a bitch

This is true greatness.

Jesus christ, and i thought i was getting carried away with the hate

It's certainly a nice try with the hate, that much is undeniable.

This is why morals are so subjective. This is horrific and mean to me, and I feel bad for Anthony. But if you were to do the same thing to say, Amy Schumer, I'd laugh my ass off and think it was great.

I don't know what Amy Schumer has done, but Lena Dunham is a politically-blinded child molester who is too stupid to see that she has been manipulated to the point of being unable to see reason or acknowledge good points. Her and Anthony are literally the same person on opposite sides.

I don't feel empathy for women for some reason

You make a good point.

You feel bad for a domestic abusing, child groomer, drunk?

I have empathy for all men in certain situations, like seeing images of their dead mother being mocked. I yams who I yams.

I yams who I yams.

This is so cute!

I think yams might be code for faggot.

I am faggot who I faggot


christ, this is just getting sad. What is wrong with you?

Anthony spends a lot of time telling other people how to behave.

However, he abandoned his mother for the last five years of her life, as she died slowly from dementia.

What's the story there by the way, I missed out on all of that.

He just told you the story.

This sub is becoming a cult. The level of obsession and hate is mind boggling

Really brings a tear to your eye doesnt it

It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen

Thanks, Fred. Take care.

But you'll still be here everyday to watch every moment of it.

He only stays here so he can tell the cucks here how it really is, maaaaaan!

Sure. You've become psychotic enough to become almost interesting. Almost.

Aw, having a rough couple days? Come sit on Nana's lap and he'll shake those silly snowflakes away.


As Anthony, a true advocate of free speech would say himself:"I disapprove of you photoshopping my crack-smoking mother burning in hell, but I will defend to the death your right to post it".

No actually Anthony Cumia is known for trying to destroy people for trying to joke that he may hqve had intercourse with a friend who dresses like a gamergirl.

Nothing wrong with having consensual sex with friends, so long as they're female

Yeah, man. That's a tough one.

Wow. That one hurt a little.



As if he cares about his dumb dead mother. If he did, he may have visited her once while her brains rotted away in a nursing home.

Hey now, he paid for the retirement community she spent her last days in. I heard he also got her a massage chair from sharper's image.

sharper's image?

It's a sopranos reference.


laughed my ass off when that account followed me.

Perfect reaction

I can't believe this spic claims to be Irish.

Oof, why

Just like when some creep used BroJoe's daughter's name, this is just creepy.

Creepier or less creepy than trying to groom who you believe to be a child in distress by sending and iPad? Or biting your girlfriend and breaking her ribs? How about beating up a mentally handicapped person while they are inebriated? And abandoning your mother for her final five years?

I wouldn't be too concerned about morals on /r/opieandanthony

Stop it with the 'what about' shit.

What about it?

Just like or what about?

hey dummy this isn't a tu quoque fallacy because no one here is claiming this isn't a shitty,creepy and horrific thing to do to someone we're saying that is either equal or less shitty than what ole' tshirts has done and deserves. It’s not surprising some nana fan doesn’t know what they are talking about and has unearned confidence that they do.

its also just funny as shit you dork.

That's unnecessarily hurtful.

thats fair

You’re doing so well in life.

First of all, I'm not the one who made the account. Second, and more importantly, you're right. I ain't doin too bad. Thanks bub!

You’re very sensitive.

You're making me blush.

He probably has very few followers, LOL!

What a thing to wake hungover to.

Ha ha ha holy shit...

This sub is just full of evil ruthless cunts. And I love it.

This is too fucked up for me. I'm not judging but holy shit dude. Fawkin diabolical.


Holy fuck.

Fucked up

We've reached Scott Tenorman territory.

I made you eat your paaaarentss

This isn’t even my mother and seeing it hit me hard

I hope he sees it

Hey you’re back

The repetitive, unfunny group humor here got a little too much for me, so I took a break to wash my mouth out with the repetitive, unfunny group humor of r/Cumtown for a while

tough but fair

I got a feeling that Anthony's mother would be laughing with us if she saw this.

Or wailing in a state of confused terror, not knowing where or when she is.

I'm she she's laughing in hell

Hell is being abandoned by your offspring during the time you need them most

That hits harder than the Photoshop. The truth really does hurt. Anthony Cumia is dog shit.

My laugh just howled through the halls of my ass doctor's office

Can we get a source so we can torment his twitter

Savage as a mug.

This is why I come to this sub. Excellent shit.

She is in fact in hell blowing demons so there is definitely no libel here.

Fucking brutal.

Well played, sir.

Fucked up but Ant sort of deserves it for grooming children.


Wow, quality stuff

Real talk: That photo is creepy as fuck

Hahaha... HO-LEE SHIT!!!

holy fuck you guys are sick

Jeeeeesus. This fawking rocks!!

Nice mom, stupid.


I mean, this is why I'm nice to people now. People be fucking psychopaths.

That's taking it a little far.

That's very fucked up. Very funny, though.

It really is true that what you put out in the universe comes back to you

In Anthony Cumia’s case it’s callous, bitter hatred

Holy shit

That's a tough one man.

This is so fucked up

This is so diabolical.

Fucking perfect execution.

Holy fucking shit is that brutal!

RRRRRRRAMONE! It was Anthony that cast his mother back to obscurity!

RRRRRAMONE! The Cumia Matriarch is being used as a corpse prop on Walking Dead.

RRRRRAMONE! Only Anthony's mother has more holes in her bloated corpse than nana has on her face.

Savage. I dont mean that in the cool new ebonics way either

That "obscurity" line of his really hurt this board's feelings lmao. He said that shit like a year ago

It's just her last name