Why does Anthony want to be on twitter so badly? He doesn't use it to promote and it cost him millions back in 2014

48  2018-08-17 by Dennyislife

What's the end game here?_


He’s dumb

Statistically, african americans are on average 10 IQ points lower than the general population.

He’s a dopamine junkie who needs an instant outlet.

Lotta good answers, but this is fundamentally the issue. He’s like a slot machine or video poker addict.

He’s a pathetic manchild with the mentality of a 13 year old girl; hence the desire to talk about stuff and maybe kiss.

He's lonely. He sits in his McMansion with a bunch of people who will let him die in the streets when he's finally been bled of his last dollar. Subconsciously, he knows this.

On Twitter, he feels like he still matters. There are people there who actually think he has an enviable life. I think Twitter, and his own cowardice, are the only things keeping him from killing himself.

He likes how easy it is to groom children on there. I'm convinced that's what it is. On Facebook he could get in just as many racial arguments as he does on Twitter, but kids don't really use Facebook anymore so he doesn't bother.

He's addicted... like a highschool girl

He's desperate to be seen as relevant and important, he can't achieve that in his real life so he uses twitter to feel powerful amongst his sycophants. It's really pathetic.

Well. The real reason is that his father was a shitty deadbeat, and this lead Anthony to grow up to be an emotionally retarded addict with no self-control nor self-awareness.

Why is he so desperate to tweet to a few thousand people when he has 100000 paying subscribers willing to watch him on the internet

That's what I've never understood.

He's blocked anyone with any sort of criticism or idea to improve the show, at least half of his fan base.

Other than the people he blocks, there isn't a single person who gives a fuck about any of his opinions. Yet he never stops tweeting.

It's truly a sickness at this point.

he's lonely.

He's a fuckin stupida stronzo.

Probably the same reason you're on reddit.