You're all so pathetic and you're obsessed with me! I'm not obsessed with anything!

41  2018-08-17 by PsychopathyRed


I could be wrong but I don’t think he’s really laughing.

well you can clearly see the emoji sir

Yeah, I was confused too until I saw that

You're a bunch of obsessed losers with one track minds! You're worse than the blacks, who, despite being about 14% of the population, commit around 50% of the murders. Read these statistics that I'll post for the tenth time today. Obsessed losers!

It’s nice to see the fans he helped create lead to his downfall

His tommy hurts

I'm sure he's crying into Big A's bitchtits like Edward Norton in Fight Club.

I've got things

I got some tings

I've got a twitter account

...that's one more than he's about to have.

If by nothing he means no tranny fetish, history of pedophilia, and violent criminal record, he's right. I do have my guns though.

He desperately wants to believe that the only reason people laugh at and mock him is because they have bad lives, and not because he’s a massive retard-faggot.

I was getting bored of trolling Nana. But now that I see this response, I think I'm ready to turn up the heat.

All he does is rag on people, he made a career out of it. Nice try heart attack man.

Just the other day he was trying to justify his "obsession" with Opie by saying that he and Jim just love making fun of him. But if someone else does it it's only because they're miserable.

wasn't Anthony trying to say that he only ever mentions Opie because they worked together for so long of course he's bound to come up from time to time.

Nana can't keep her story straight

Nigga brought the emoji back.

Also, what was his boyfriends response to Opie’s very similar sentiment? We are not obsessed, it’s just fun to make fun of you.

Old retard.

I'm convinced he has a text file with about 25 variations of "you just hate me because your life sucks, you know its true, laughing emoji" and he just copies and pastes a random one to his trolls.

we got twitter tho

I'm obsessed with laughing at you.

Ant was the host of a popular radio show, earning millions with upwards of 300,000 followers on Twitter. He now has a Gab account with like 300 people. He can fake laugh all he wants but this nigger really hurting.

Just die of pneumonia already you racist, alcoholic ginny

A 60yr old man....using emoji's...and crying out "you're a loser with no friends!"

The argument of a fucking 12 year old.

well you can clearly see the emoji sir