Tribute band guitar player disgusted at today's youth not doing the hard work

6  2018-08-17 by dropngo


He should offer to mentor the youth. He can tell them his story of how successful he is and all the hard work he put in to get there.

He could wax fantastic about the can-do bootstraps attitude that the epitome of his existence.

And all he had to do was steal material that better people had written because he put "ZERO WORK" in to writing his own songs.

He could afford neither the chordbuddy, the heavy sledge, nor the anvil.

Nor could he lift the heavy sledge or the anvil

Nuh uh bro! Have you seen the way he swings his * axe!?!

*Chinese imitation

I see how they got me; look closely: there, see? It says 'ax' instead of 'axe.' Fuckin ching-chong coke pee-ers. Hope they choke on the $750 cash I sent them.

He could probably afford the Malaysian knockoff, the MusicNotes Chum.

'I want to buy ome of these just to learn the basics and then smash it on an anvil or tie it to train tracks or some other dumb thing from a subpar 1950's cartoon.'

He must feel threatened by people taking a short cut to strumming open chords. This is nothing more than a novelty item; why else would he get upset at it?

You know he's going to wait until he finds one for 0.99 cents from china then run it over with his lexmoto harley imitation motorbike

Giant faggot, why does he care how some jerk learns to play guitar? What's the difference? It's not some highly complex skill, I know complete drooling retards who can play guitar.

Says the man who uses a DigiTech multi effects. Buy a OneSpot and a Pedaltrain you lazy ingrate.