
44  2018-08-16 by SGFTI


I'm done

Bull fucking shit he is. We will find the other accounts and kill them too.

He's playing the victim, as he does.

It is my birthday in a few days. That means it is the time of year where I remember everyone I love is dead and am full of that extra bit of vitriol. So I need a good release like getting a pedophile kicked off twitter.

People are going to do time over this when it's all over.

The fuck you talking about?

You mean AntH finally being nailed and doing time for grooming and corrupting teens?

I think he's quoting one of the morons in the twitter replies.

Oh...then I sincerely apologize for my tone

It’s cute that he pretends he uses twitter to hear what other people have to say.

"Once they whack this one..." LARPing old queen shut the fuck up