Jim Norton; gay word guardian, doesn't appreciate the misusing of the word "cuck" because he used it long before it's modern incarnation so...

0  2018-08-16 by JimNortonHackFaggot


"Nothing is sacred MAAAAAN...except my disgusting sexual dysfunctions."

  • Worm Boy

" PC comedy is the future "

Tim Morton

Do you have a time stamp because my SCUMBAG phone won’t play it right.

It is time stamped you cum snorter.

I mean write it out you fucking idiot

You're the stupid moron who can't get a marked YouTube video to play on your cheap ass WalMart phone, fag. Suck it.

Yeah it doesn’t work in the reddit phone app. That’s why you’ll commonly see time stamps in the title of threads. It’s so we can all easily watch whatever bullshit you want us to hear so bad.

Cuckolding is fucking disgusting.

It is time stamped you cum snorter.