Anthony could have set up a YouTube channel and patreon/PayPal and made 10x more money after his firing.

13  2018-08-16 by Cumia_Box

That'd bring his revenue to about $3000


They definitely should have done some free shows on YouTube or even their own website. Then put a couple shows a week behind a paywall. This way he can stay relevant and still make some money. But what do I know?

They didn't do that because they knew how boring and similar his shows are and seeing them for free would lure nobody.

Exactly. These people don't seem to get it. If he did a free show, he'd actually have to put in effort to make quality content and build an audience.

He could have also not gone on twitter after a black hooker knocked his block off. he could have also not gone to Times Square and taken pictures of that black hooker in the first place.

Anthony could have done a lot of things. sniff

However, if he didn't tweet about that incident, how we know that he told a group of totally real black guys to "Back off! This isn't your show!"?

I bet when he was rage-tweet that incident, his hands were still shaking from rush of fear-adrenaline.

I don’t think kicking the crap out of his child bride could have been avoided in any scenario, though.

Making it a paid service and hiring well known people was a mistake. You make it the Anthony podcast, give it away for free, and hire talented unknowns and make them famous.

Example Brian Redban, he was some unknown retard who most likely would have been operating a paint shaker until he overdosed but last I heard he wasn't starving to death in a gutter.

His niggeriness led to his obscurity. He just needed people to see he was making money right away and he was more desperate to prove in the moment that his life wasn't ruined instead of finding a niche for himself and let the people come to him. Ironically his life actually might not have been ruinedif he did that

He could have just drank himself to death and it would be less embarrassing

Or, do what GasDigital / LuisJ did... & basically avoid upsetting reddit

However, if he didn't tweet about that incident, how we know that he told a group of totally real black guys to "Back off! This isn't your show!"?

I bet when he was rage-tweet that incident, his hands were still shaking from rush of fear-adrenaline.

I don’t think kicking the crap out of his child bride could have been avoided in any scenario, though.