As the sun sets on another Twitter account, I've gathered Anthony's greatest tweets from @anthonycumiacm:

24  2018-08-16 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

fawkin got ya, they're all trash.


Fun fact: assuming Anthony sleeps 8 hours a night, he has tweeted once every 17 minutes for the last six months. He has over 8,000 tweets since March 20th.

Add PMs, incl. sending fellow users into obscurity. His numbers are truly crazy.

Little faggot was rightfully ignored by his father so he feels he has to overcompensate by being the biggest loudmouth on earth.

assuming Anthony sleeps 8 hours a night

technically he does most of his sleeping when it's light out

With spell check, that means he is tweeting every waking second of every day. And that doesn't count his DMs when he tells people how much fun his life is and how funny he thinks it is that you make fun of him, before blocking you. So that 1 tweet per 17 minutes is a little misleading. Do you think he got a waterproof case so he could tweet while sitting in his pool? And a vomit proof case for when his "dates" can't handle their booze?

how funny he thinks it is that you make fun of him, before blocking you.

In fact, the emojis he uses are laughing so hard that tears are coming out of their eyes.

That's how you know for SURE he is enjoying a little give and take (like a man), without being able to handle the take part.

"What happened to men?!" Apparently we weren't using enough emojis.

/u/SaraLinn, comment?

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I also forgot that he's on his show 8 hours a week plus another hour for Chip's podcast. IIt's probably every ten minutes he's awake and not working.