Alcoholic idiot missed the point of the film and (having never opened a history book) the pitfalls of extra-judicial separation of powers.

3  2018-08-16 by McGowan9


The irony is, is that

a) 17th century English Star Chambers were created to deal with people like him ( wealthy and/or powerful people who might be able to pay or influence their way out of common-law or civil law court judgements and sentences - e.g. getting off with court ordered rehab after beating the shit out of a 80 pound woman.)

b) the inevitable abuses of power and miscarriages of justice that resulted from them (Star Chambers) - indirectly led to the 5th amendment being written into the US constitution by those wise old men of British extraction.

Conclusion- Anthony "education isn't a school or a book thing" Cumia is a fucking idiot.

I know nothing about this, but one thing I do know about Anthony Cumia is that he’s frequently wrong. So I’m going to go ahead and give you this one on blind faith.

Mihi crede.

First one's the history bit, second one's the movie. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Anthony is talking about the film and has/had no idea they were a real thing.

Star Chamber

The Star Chamber (Latin: Camera stellata) was an English court of law which sat at the royal Palace of Westminster, from the late 15th century to the mid-17th century (c. 1641), and was composed of Privy Councillors and common-law judges, to supplement the judicial activities of the common-law and equity courts in civil and criminal matters. The Star Chamber was originally established to ensure the fair enforcement of laws against socially and politically prominent people so powerful that ordinary courts would probably hesitate to convict them of their crimes. However, it became synonymous with social and political oppression through the arbitrary use and abuse of the power it wielded.

The Star Chamber

The Star Chamber is a 1983 American crime–drama/mystery–thriller film starring Michael Douglas, Hal Holbrook,1 Yaphet Kotto, Sharon Gless, James B. Sikking, and Joe Regalbuto. The film was written by Roderick Taylor & Peter Hyams and directed by Hyams. Its title is taken from the name of the Star Chamber, the notorious 15th –17th-century English court.

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I’m actually going to have to correct myself then. There’s no way Anthony would be making a reference to an early 80’s film in 2018. There’s no way this owner of a multimillion dollar network has ignored 35 years of new movies, tv shows, podcasts, and radio. To do that would be to live in obscurity.