Which type "stirs" Anthony's manhood more?

5  2018-08-16 by Der-Giftpilz


Sources are Wikipedia, a random pdf and YouTube. Looks about as legit as any gender studies PhD thesis.

Hush up now bwai

After a his nightly handful of xanax, all girl penis feels the same to him.

The queers look better but they're queers. Neither. Sometimes you see one and think fuck it, hit it from the back, it'll be fine, but one crackly word out of that mouth and I'd go limp as a noodle in vinegar.

I wouldn't do sex with one but blowjobs seem acceptable

Fuck that man, the face is the most masculine part of them by the time they've gotten their ass implants etc, I don't need Stephanie grinning at me with that wide jaw and reminding me his name used to be Stephen

From top to bottom (tss), left to right:

Would, might, would, might, wouldn't, would, would, would, wouldn't/wouldn't, wouldn't, would, would, might, wouldn't, would, would.

Haha Fag

You laugh it up but it's I who will experience penis horkling

Relevant username.

You just had to share this, eh?

"Higher than average IQ"

Oh, that's rich!

how to spot a trap (passing trans) = beyond whore-levels of make-up or thai national

The ones on the right ain't bad

I like my trannies with low IQ