The death of anthony cumia

12  2018-08-16 by onedayatAtime63

Nana is pushing 80 and a wet brain alcoholic with all his decent years behind him. When his death comes, how do you think this place will react?


We'll probably make fun of him in the online obituary

Yeesh. That just made me imagine the horror show of his funeral. Big A, Bobo, keith and brother joe as pallbearers as well as the only attendants.

I hope there are pictures.

I dote noe how to dake bictures on dis vone AWRITE

They're a musical people

They certainly are.

His tombstone will be vandalized with Wu Tang Ws

He should be so blessed

And my urine.

I'd guess one or two people will start somewhat amusing bits that are immediately run into the ground and that will continue for a week or so. Then the sub will revert back to Opie hating.

After Anthony, I bet we can get can Jim before Gregg.

Ants death will end the sub, if it isn't dead by then anyway.

I predict that ant will die before 70.

I picture Ant goin out like John Wayne , bloated with 40 pounds of impacted fecal matter lodged in his colon..also not a fan of 'engines'

I'll miss him, I hope bobo writes the eulogy.

Umm...buhhh he was preddy good, ULRITE?

I Spit on Your Grave 4: The Moistening

Starring Legendary Rich Vos

We will say 'nice death, stupid' and then 'nice legacy, stupid' and then after a week or two of posting mean-spirited pictures, we'll fawkin leave it alone, brotherman.

How will Jimmy react?
Will Jimmy even be alive by then?