"I'd never cancel" - Dumb rube who doesn't understand that transactions usually involve giving a company money for a functioning GOOD or SERVICE.

12  2018-08-16 by FoundryLogo


That’s alright, cause even if he did cancel, they’d still keep charging him.

How dumb do you have to be to give Anthony and Keith your cc info? The kicker is that the moment you cancel the auto subscription renew, they cut off service. They’ll charge you for the full year and cut you off with months left.

They're leeches, sucking the last drops of blood from the teats of Uncle Sam! Hashtag Infowars!

Given that is actually theft, and therefore a crime, why haven't they at a minimum lost access to credit card facilities

Because they haven’t fucked over anyone who actually matters

People need to complain to their cc company so that cumia gets chargebacks.

homie is prob psyched on his beefheart handle


I think I've reached them tipping point of thinking Anth and Keith are ripping these people off. They deserve to have their money stolen.