Unfunny shit.

57  2018-08-16 by RBuddCumia


Tss. Just Antin' ya, babe.

Is he doing a retcon of the racism to a new cuddly dadjoke style as a last ditch effort to save his Twitter access?

That’s exactly what he’s doing, and boy is it transparent.

But above all else.. REAL!

He's known to be too real

He even asked the audience if he was being too real



Jesus Christ, was he ever actually funny? I can’t even imagine how I used to think so.

I honestly don't know, and I cant bring myself to listen to their old clips on YouTube because they (excluding lord Hughes, naturally) are just so repulsive. There are erock beatings ive listened to probably 20 times or more, and now I couldn't tell you when the last time was I even listened to anything any of them did, with a view to actually enjoying the content rather than finding new reasons to hate them.

It kind of fucks your head up to think you ever liked this show in real life at the time.

the show was hysterical around 2007, 2008. it was their heigh point.

It was hysterical in 2007 and 2008 because they had famous comedians being funny for them.

that's fair to say

Of course he was. Ant 2002-2012 ruled, why pretend otherwise?

Some of you guys are weathervanes, I swear.

Yeah and what are you a fukkin weatheraorta or sumthin

Yeah we go with the flow sometimes. But I’ve certainly questioned whether or not the show was ever funny. By 2009 I knew that the show’s only remaining value was that it was a magnet for comedians.

We now know they hated each other and how much they were full of shit. I’m just not sure how much of the show can be redeemed knowing what they really were and who they would become.

2007 and 2008 were great years for the show.

2002-2006 Ant was not funny.

2007 Ant was alright, he's about what I expect from every member of any internet podcast.

2007 - 2014 Ant was not funny.

He's still hilarious!

Ive been listeing to ONA from around 2007, 2008.

yes he and Jimmy were very funny. Opie was even more lovable but it was because of the chemistry of the room (sorry to sound so nerdy) Ant wasn't so obssed with race just yet and Worm wasnt a faggot worm. Opie actually made fun of himself a little.

the regul;ars made the show and brought the best out of everyone. Vos, Bobby, CQ, Billy Burr (before he was sold into white slavery),

It was a fantastic progruuum

I suggest going on videona on you tube and checking out the Scorch beatings and also when CK breaks down Paul O's film.

I never found Anthony funny and I've never seen anyone give evidence of Anthony being funny, so no, probably not.

I found Jimmy very funny, but I was also a teenage boy and Jimmy's level of humour was about the same me and my friends practiced on the bus.

Th-that's terrible I'm sorry

Fawkin homerun Cumia

Vous aimez les enfants, non? Oui, oui.

This is some George Takei shit right here

Sometimes I think "I wish ant would give the racist shit a break and just be funny." And then he posts this garbage.

i'm screaming right now and only I can hear it

“Citizens of Conglomo, repeat after me... wee wee”

What a hack faggot

The middle-aged women in my office that pin Facebook memes on their cubicle walls because it's "the funniest thing they've ever seen" wouldn't even laugh at this.

His brain is dying.

Kinda funny how he tries to market himself as this free speech vigilante but his personality has become typical morning zoo hack

why would they piss there when they could just do it on jim norton

I’m kind of amazed how many straight responses this generated. I used to find Anthony hilarious. At first, I’m the NEW days, I thought Jimmy was funny but by the time Lucky Louie came along I was already completely bored of his “AIDS!! LOLOLOL!!” humor. Nowadays both of them are so pathetic and incapable of being funny I can’t even believe they’re the same people.


I don't see what they're bitching about, the migrants piss in the streets, and none of them ever pick up after their dogs.

He's known to be too real

He even asked the audience if he was being too real