How is Alex Jones being mass de-platformed but his racist, homophobic employee Anthony Cumia goes unpunished?

56  2018-08-16 by FlashVirus


Twitter is his only platform and nobody knows him. Even those who are aware of him realize that as far as having an ability to build a following he's basically the equivalent of a homeless man yelling at a wall in the street.

I'd sooner watch the homeless man than Compound Media.

People actually know who Alex Jones is.

True and the world is worse off for it

affirmative action.

One is famous enough to warrant the attention.

It's time we have a discussion about the "O" word and how it makes one impervious to people giving enough of a shit to come after them.


Look at your surroundings, pretty sad huh? I can’t imagine being such a beta cuck libtard LOSER who doesn’t even have any twitter followers 😆

You have NO FOLLOWERS? What a sad pathetic existence you live! Go back to your mommy’s basement, your pizza rolls are ready 🤣😂

Every emoji = 1 Xanax, I'm convinced of it

well, he's probably going to get deleted soon enough

This is actually a fair point. I do t k ow why mainstream hasn’t caught on that one of his regular guest hosts was fired from his job and kicked off Twitter—years ago, for being a racist.

Whenever you inform people that Anthony is a drunken racist pedophile maybe let them know that he also works for Infowars, too.

You can’t be homophonic if you are gay. Nice try with the hate tho.


Twitter knows who he is, there been so many reports to his account its not possible to avoid getting "caught".

Only plausible explanation is jews

After seeing the bobo and the cousin video recently it's become clear he's human garbage


Social media companies love people like Anthony because they make the right look horrible. If he had any influence or the ability to tweet anything that wasn't completely retarded, he'd be banned immediately.

Alex Jones is the gay alien lizard frog version of Rush Limbaugh.

Because Alex Jones is still hillarious and Cumia isn't

Because every soul who posts here still needs to report Anthony for his hate speech against communities of color, LGBTQ and the fact he is evading suspension.

He is too obscure to be suspended without our help

No one can see Anthony over in obscurity.

Anthony doesnt have a platform.


Your wish has been granted

My exact words when I heard the news.