"I'm still hilarious."

110  2018-08-16 by GorramTimebomb


Free Speech Network, anything goes!

Free speech, only if you praise me. Anthony is no better than the Leftist he criticizes.

It's a personal account. If people smashed me like they do him, I'd block them too. Wouldn't you?

No because I'm not a Twitter obsessed faggot pedophile. At least, that's the main reason.

Pretty fucking hilarious. I suggest you post at 8 am so your post stays up until nana gets up at 3

Flabbergasting. He really doesn’t get it, does he? This is turning into Opie-level obtuseness.

Opie was never this much of a baby with fans -- he just got pissed when his radio partner he plucked from obscurity and gave a job "motherfucked" him

Yeah except Opie would hang up on people who criticized him, or let Jim in Anthony defend him, And then be all pissy about it afterwards and ruin any fun that may have been going on in the room.

Dont recall that brotha man

I didn't mean the whining so much as the lack of self-awareness.

IIIIII ssssssswwwweeeeeaarrrrrrr, I'lllll bllllllock evvvvvvvvvvverrrryyyyyyyyboooooooooddddyyyyy.

Surely compound media’s owner nor one of its employees would do anything to frustrate or discourage Anthony’s “remaining fan base” would they?

blocking these kinds of replies has switched from Pwning the Haters to damage control. he can't have every idiotic thing he says trailed by dozens of people justifiably calling him retarded


If he's laughing at people for being nobodies, what the fuck does he think of his remaining fanbase? People should blast him on twitter about it while you still can

Welcome Back to obscurity

We're BACK!!!!!

We been relevant for long long long long TIME!!!

Also, just a baseless defense. I mean, criticism can come from anywhere. That's why suggestion boxes are anonymous. If Ant attacks the person it just means he perceives the criticism as valid.

I've said way worse to him how the hell am I not blocked yet

You are so far into obscurity that he doesn’t even see your tweets. Impressive.

He wants only praise but when he tweets it's a bunch of negative garbage that everyone is supposed to tolerate because "muh rights".

Remaining fanbase?

Consider yourself OBSCURED!

Too late. There is no fanbase

There are a few. Scientists have tagged them and are tracking them like the last few black rhinos.

All attempts at a breeding program have failed, however.

Turns out that Opie guy is no better or worse than this hilarious Cumia folk.