CUMIAWATCH 2018: How soon after Craterface is "permanently suspended" from Twitter does he kill himself?

12  2018-08-15 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

If they truly booted him off twitter and didn't allow him to make new accounts, he'd be dead inside a week.


He'll just finally take the hint and go creep on girls on insta


I don't think he has the balls to kill himself. He will definitely slip further into alcoholism (if that's even possible) and benzo addiction to the point where he goes missing.

In a year or two there will be Bigfoot quality grainy video sightings of him trying to camouflage himself in a McDonald's ballpit and eventually, and I'm talking 5 years after that, they will find his fake teeth and fake hair in some wooded area and we will know that Tranth is with the angels finally.

He will never give this sub the satisfaction. I jokingly say that but it's true as the day is blue. The man is such a self absorbed degenerate he would care what his fan base or lack of fan base would think or mock him for. I think he will die in his sleep or have a heart attack first.

Yep. Killing himself would ruin the “hey everybody look how much fun I’m having!” image he’s constantly trying to project.

He is pathetic as fuck.

He doesn't seem like the suicidal type. He'll just languish in forgottenness.

Nah he will be fine, while this sub will run outa material and finally off itself

Yep. Killing himself would ruin the “hey everybody look how much fun I’m having!” image he’s constantly trying to project.