Not sure why Opie is on r/4chan

0  2018-08-15 by peopleforgetthat


Goddamn this got me. Almost spit my food out

Did u have to pull over?

No, I was eating out. Wanna fight about it?

Like fight online? I don’t think we live anywhere near eachother, wouldn’t be realistic.

Did I say fight? I meant kiss.. my fault

We still have the same geographical issue. You haven’t thought this out, sir.

So are we fightin or kissin?

How about you all slip in a puddle of aids.

Goddamn, I don't know what that face is so funny, but it is.

Because they know opie trashing is unfashionable here, so they took it to the 4chan sub


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He needs to see this.

Looks like Theo Von