Nana’s programs are getting interrupted and she’s getting cranky!

15  2018-08-15 by RBuddCumia


This shit only is on at 3 in the morning too when most decent people are asleep

Those brief moments where he's left alone to dwell on the memories of the horrible things he's done to young girls & his career must be nightmarish.

Is he 57 or 77?

Fifty seven yeaaahhhs young.

Obviously the amber alerts aren't working, either, since he was able to tweet this.

This has already been posted here you dumb fuck.

Hey, go fuck yourself, you fucking cocksucking, mother whoring nigger.

Dang dude. That’s hurtful.

Why is he mad?

To be fair, Mannix was just about to unmask the killer, and then the EAS kicked in. Tony's going to have to wait a whole month before they re-run that episode again.

Did it interrupt Nanas stories?

My grandma used to get mad when something would cut in on General Hospital too.

A dollar says he was watching MeTV at the time.

Or LivePD.

Fifty seven yeaaahhhs young.