68  2018-08-15 by RBuddCumia


My god is he a hypocritical faggot. Wht a gigantic fucking loser Nana is. He literally called the dean of a university student because the student made fun of him. Is that what men do, you fucking retard? What about obsessively watching a subreddit and filing copyright claims on every video because you’re humiliated by them? What about dming peope on twitter and blocking them before they can respond because you’re too afraid of what they’ll say? Is that what a real “man” does?

Back to obscurity with you.

Does a real man groom young girls with cash and gifts?

Does a real man buy a nice house and put up a lifelike statue of a dinosaur?

Are real men obssessed with Twitter and livestreaming their karaoke nights?

Do real men live alone, with no family, paying friends to hang out on weekends?

Do real men look forward to getting drunk only so that they can pout about people on Twitter?

Do real men live alone, with no family, paying friends to hang out on weekends?

woah chill

Ant reads this

Pffft no I'm not

His new "what happened to men" excuse has yet again lowered the bar for how pitiful he is. When it's all because he's obsessed with a social media account. I would disagree with it if it was going against anyone else but he is just such a pathetic delusional nobody how can you not just want to fuck withhim until he completely cracks

He still doesn't get the fun of it all is how seriously he takes Twitter.

well it is his wonderful IT service account for his multimillion dollar company

Well that's what happens when you sorround yourself with nothing but retards, mooches and yes men. You end up thinking your right all the time. How do you think Michael Jordan ended up with that Hitler mustache in that Hanes commercial? To many yes men in his crew, that's how

Losty McLosterson

I just listened to this week’s “Who Are These Podcasts?” (the show that bashed Opie a couple months ago, and now includes a weekly Opie segment), which included audio from when the host was on TACS last week. Anthony actually laughed and said something to the effect of, “people need to just learn to ignore twitter. It’s not worth the trouble.”

It made me laugh, because he said it without a hint of irony.

He is obsessed with social media like a teenage girl. Is that what "men" do?

Fuck it, $5,000 to the person who gets this man permanently suspended from twitter.

It won't be just one person, multiple people (including me) have already reported him.

You can give us all like $50 I guess?

I’m trying.

So you never want to see his tweets ever again? You'd rather complain on some inane little wannabe comic bullshit instead of see him say something really bad that gets some real people mad at him?

I want to speed up his dementia. That's all.

Maybe if he doesn't have twitter he will be forced to work more than two hours a day.

You don’t think he’ll be impelled to create another Twitter account for his 100k followers?

Just because his book is about to come out, seeing him be "permanently suspended" from twitter and unable to promote it would be the funniest thing possible, he'll be back on there eventually




The loser is the person who keeps getting banned from something but wont go away.

I basically use my twitter account for the sole purpose of regularly reporting him. According to him that makes me an embarrassing loser and not a real man. If I spent ten hours a day on it, built my life around it, ruined my career because of it, and was generally obsessed with it; I guess that would make me a real man.

I don't mean to speak for the group, but I am pretty sure everyone will be very disappointed of this doesn't end with an armed standoff at the Compound, and perhaps a nice murder-suicide.

I hope Jimmy is murder part.

Don't ever speak for me again, fgt

"Men" aren't this obsessed with twitter, period.

When he’s off twitter, maybe this sub will finally get jobs and have something to do with their lives

I have a job. Panera Bread is an honorable living, faggot.

I see his point but if he wasn’t such a racist he never would have been booted off Twitter multiple times in the first place.

Is getting fucked in the ass by a mentally ill boy what "men" do? I missed that part.

The funny thing is that Anthony is more of a woman than any transgender. Look at his behavior.

What kind of MAN doesn't constantly make Social Media accounts so they can rant about black people?

Back in my old man's day a MAN would come home from his two hour shift at the podcast factory, pour himself a highball, sit back in his La-Z-Boy and tweet about The Blacks all night until he passed out in a drunken stupor. And if some faggot reported him he'd knock the wife around and or take a belt to the kids and no one minded.

Where's that clip of him whining about losing twitter followers every time he gets banned, using his drunk fag voice?

Do real men live alone, with no family, paying friends to hang out on weekends?

woah chill