Who is the “liberal shit judge” that let Antwan out?

36  2018-08-14 by RBuddCumia


Except the "liberal shit judge" is a Republican.

I'm not defending Ant in any way but I don't believe she is

Ah, that's right. I knew there was some Republican involvement in there somewhere. My bad.

Once again our free speech knight in shining armor has to hide the words he really wants to say. Just say nigger, Anthony. Be the big grown up you think you are.

He's a real man

A liberal judge let you out you convicted domestic abuser/admitted child predator.

Compound Southwest?

It seems like he thinks "bail" means "released without charge"

I see so many geriatric fucking morons posting comments like this, especially on articles about non violent drug cases, which are judicial system is currently FLOODED with. The prison system is already overcrowded as fuck, and letting dope dealers out on bail allows them to re offend while hustling to pay for their lawyers, which further feeds the prison industrial complex.


I agree on the drug cases but this guy probably shouldn't be walking around in the streets

Tony Two-Shirts is so lost within the online "right vs. left" echo chamber he has no idea what "liberals" even are anymore. He automatically assumes that anyone who does anything that goes against the thoughts of those he parrots has to be a quiche-eating limp-wristed pantywaisted "liberal" by definition, even if they're nothing of the kind.

Yes, that's what happens when you live in an echo chamber fuelled by Bud Light and dementia

This "liberal shit judge" was appointed to the court by a Republican governor back in 2011... whoops.

Ant is mad because another dark-skin is encroaching on his "kids at the compound" idea

You fucking nailed him