Reminder: If Hitler would have got his way, these milkers would have never made it to 1950

28  2018-08-14 by RoccoTheLoveMonkey


The ashkenazim are imposters and frauds

Why do all 1950's broads look like they're pushing 50?

All the young looking ones were too busy being raped for photographs.

Because they wear the same style as they did when they reach adulthood. Don't worry, in 50 years current young womens' fashion will be old lady clothes.

That's... an interesting thought to be sure. I'm having trouble picturing it but it is very logical

imagine daisy dukes and mini skirts, except you can see their vags

Nahh it's more than that. It's not clothes. It's their look. Probably nutrition or something.

because they were

women had more rounded faces and soft feminine features 70-100 years ago. They’re slowing becoming more masculine, through the decades. Now some of them look like they could beat you up.

This is the second day in a row I've read a comment on Reddit saying this.

..and it's total bullshit


that curtain is bumming me out

Because it's made out of their relatives?

Or because it’s not. You never know around here.

because they were

that dudes got great tits

Hey ant

Is that time traveller Lena Dunham on the left?

super dave voice: Are you serious?

The jew on the left is marriage material. Lena Dunham is a fat pig

More pics of her here: