Guys I think I found Sam Roberts’ real mom.

100  2018-08-14 by RBuddCumia


that's Anthony at the Chip show, silly.

How tall are you?

I imagine he slowly and stealthily crawled over there and had to stay low to get the shot.

I was sitting down.

You’re a naughty liar is what you are. Lollipop guiled motherfucker.

She's gonna give you the Cumia treatment.

I regularly see a lady with Sam's curly hair and hairline.

She's white though.

She banged Bob Ross in 1983

I'm sure she was a very pleasant, well-spoken person.

not all niggers are coons you racist

This one has a job. She aint all bad.

She was actually pretty nice, Ant.


The sad thing is he had to covertly get this picture without anyone around, to include the subject, noticing his autism.

sincerely question, why does this happen to black women?

Why do all black women have Fredo foreheads, u/sams_seed?

Tight braids rip out your hair and it don't grow back

Tension or Traction Alopecia. I remember years ago a few of the fashion mags were promoting tight braids to white girls, and that was one of the things that scared them off. That and tension headaches.

Ma'am Roberts

Court stenographer lookin ass