“Actually, I’d love to go out to dinner with you, talk about stuff, maybe kiss you ;)”

67  2018-08-14 by ProfessorChipperson


Ugh, now I want to go back and read all three of those books.

Have you seen what they've done with the reprints?

No what they do?

They recreated the drawings to be less horrific

Awww that sucks that was the best part about those books

Yuuuup. Absolutely fucking ruined them.

They were pretty dark and creepy for kids books. Trandpa would complain about libs watering this book down if he could read

Here's why this sucks and it's somehow liberal driven: The stories themselves aren't that scary, or at least they're typical common myths, just changed around to fit certain details of the century they're being told in. They're stories we've all heard a million times, just told in different ways. The only thing that really drove it home was THE ART. That's what really sold the old stories as being scary again. Harold taking someones skin and drying it on the line looked better when you saw Harold like this: https://i0.wp.com/www.adventuresinpoortaste.com/images/scary/006a.jpg?w=1200, over this: https://i0.wp.com/www.adventuresinpoortaste.com/images/scary/006b.jpg?w=1200

This is what an over-protective matriarchal system gives you: Safety over Quality.

Women stink

I wonder if my creepy originals will have some value someday. They're somewhere around here.

At least I'll be rich in nostalgia and spirit.

Harold was a good story is that the one where hes a scarecrow or whatever that these brothers make and fuck with then he murders the whole family at the end?

Yeah it ended with one of the farmers looking at the house from a distance where the scarecrow was on the roof taunting the guy with his brothers flayed skin

Yeah that one gave me the creeps there were some other good ones too. There was one that creeped me out with these shadow people that could only get you in the dark

Eh just Google the pics. Kids stories don't age well surprisingly

The illustrations scared me more than the stories. Although I'm fairly sure that I had an audiotape of the stories, as well. The narrator was very dramatic.

I preferred Tom Servo's Terrifying Tales from the Toaster

joseph ASS-CRACK

He was! “Me Tie Doughty Walker” scared the shit out of me when he read it.

I was obsessed with these books and the artwork as a kid.

How unique. Did you also watch cartoons?

Nice nostalgia, cocksucker

This made me laugh. A well deserved shot. I did get nostalgic. Well played sir.

Wow I miss these books so much! Thanks for the reminder!

Isn't there supposed to be an anthology movie or show based on those books in development?

Have you seen what they've done with the reprints?

Eh just Google the pics. Kids stories don't age well surprisingly

The illustrations scared me more than the stories. Although I'm fairly sure that I had an audiotape of the stories, as well. The narrator was very dramatic.