If you guys want to see a good flick, check out Upgrade

1  2018-08-14 by RelevantField

It's a throwback to the hyper-violent action sci-fi movies of the 80's. Lots of action and gore and a pretty cool concept. Worth checking out considering most movies have sucked this year.


Any dudes hang dong in it?

...most movies have sucked this year

this decade*

I bet I could beat your fucking ass IRL. What's up, wuss?

I'll kick your ass IRL, I am 6 foot gorillion and do more steroids than Joe Rogan.

I also fuck your sister on your bed and wipe my dick on all the silverware in your house.

Now you know why the ziti was so good, it was made with some sister spice.

Come on then pussy. Fite me. I'll fuck you up fggt.

Meet me at the Molly Pitcher rest stop in Jersey at 3 am, mens room last stall.

Put your mouth by the hole and wait for me.

Yeah right. Do you really think I'd fall for that again?

Any gay sex scenes?

Movies suck now, except for of course guy's guy movies that retread movies I've seen before 1992