Who out of the O&A Universe would win in hand-to-hand combat if they all had to fight each other to the death?

0  2018-08-14 by RoccoTheLoveMonkey

Place your bets!

My bet would be Big A as the last one standing. I could imagine him biting peoples' heads off while the others try more conventional fighting methods.

Jim & Sam would obviously die very quickly.

I think Opie could beat Nana up.

Jesse Ventura's navy seal & wrestling experience might get him into the last few rounds - even at 90 years old

Pat from Moonachee looks like he can take a few punches


Big A is the obvious answer. His teeth are made for stripping flesh from bone and he's big enough to dismember a man with his bare hands.

Yeah I reckon Big A dismembers young prostitutes on a monthly basis, so he'll have no problem simply pummelling them or eating them alive. The thing is, everyone else probably knows that too, so they might all gang up on Big A first to take him down. In that event, I don't know who would win.

They could gang up on him all they want. I imagine you could bludgeon Big A in the head with a hammer and it wouldn't do any good. I just imagine people running at him and him either tearing their arm off or picking them up and throwing them all the way across a room and through the wall every time they get too close.

The Army should harvest some of Big A's monster Gene and try to create a supersoldier from it, or just pay him to defend the US home soil from terrorists & illegal immigrants, he gets to eat Mexicans as a job perk

It's a good idea. He literally is a monster. He has fangs and claws and an evil grin. He's terrifying. Picture waking up in a dark room that smells like rotting corpses with your feet, hands and mouth duct taped and then a door opens and that fucking thing walks in. All you could do is pray that he won't eat you alive if you shit yourself enough. He needs to be in movies.

Big A's diet: Meat, milk & bone marrow

I imagine Big A flat on his back, with a selection of kitchen knives and an axe sticking out of his chest.... and then sitting up and turning to look at the camera.

Also Nia Burr could probably beat most of them up

A challenger appears... Holy shit this is bad i've never watched this before, thank you for your service

you fucking n00b

how dare you

I was aware this existed just hadn't seen it, I used to listen to O&A without the visuals you doylem. Master Po is this generation's bruce lee


that sounds anti-semitic so im gonna give you a pass this time

I want this cakey cakey These bitches fakey fakey

Rogan and Sherrod would do okay, providing big a doesn’t have rabies.


Opie would absolutely beat the shit out of Ant if it ever came down to it. Manboobs notwithstanding, at least he's been somewhat athletic throughout his life with the rollerblading and fishing. All Ant does is sit around in his ugly fucking house and drink and probably hasn't done anything resembling work in over a decade (thanks to producer/house nigger Keith).

Is it too much to ask for them to get into a fist fight for us

Opie could rollerblade around Nana avoiding punches like neo and punch him real fast like in dragonball z, there's no contest

Did you just call fishing "athletic?"

Gotta have more than string bean arms to bring in that 40 pounder, brothaman.

Does Kenny count, pretty sure he has cracked some nigger heads in the past.

A possible semi finalist imo

Ok, you guys don’t realize O&A members roll like the wu-tang clan. when your fucking with one, you fucking with their crew.

Kurt love is gonna distract anthony with a young child, leaving bobo open to bludgeon him with a base ball bat

keith shoots himself in the leg and bleeds out

Big A and bo bo nod at each other and bobo hops on big a’s back like some freak the mightly Hannibal war general riding an elephant over the mountains of bodies

fucking east side dave runs to ron, rons smoking a cigar and throwing roofies into the crowd. earl grabs dave and kisses him passionately, then rapes him to death like my hyde and the invisible man from league of extraordinary gentleman for all the grandma jokes

Fez is in florida chilling

joe rogan flys in on a cloud, tries to make peace with everyone, but someone calls him a midget and he jumps off his cloud only to break his small neck on impact

patton oswalt kills his second wife and uses his child to distract cumia but cumia is already dead so he eats his child to get pop-eye strength.

dust settles, ron went home awhile ago, bodies errywere, sherrod, vick and opie were gonna show up but they didnt wanna deal with all that negative energyz

patton oswalt and bobo big a the mighty battle for an epic 5 mins of dope anime style martial arts and fluidity

eventually patton wins because patton is the devil

Master Po