Is he even trying anymore?

5  2018-08-14 by RBuddCumia


Uncle Ant the race-traitor house negro.

Insufferable Antwan aside, I often wonder why blacks think they don’t have to listen to the police

It’s not like the cop is gonna go?, ”You know what dude? Tasing is wrong, my bad yo.”

Is it really necessary to shoot someone after you tase them?

Well no, but he may have been unfazed by the tazing, I've seen videos where negros jump right up after getting shocked as if nothing happened, and keep swinging at the cops.

Jesus, I sound like Antwan.

This is the truth, though. Violence is way too unpredictable & happens extremely fast in reality, it's beyond embarrassing listening to people say shit like "shoot him in the legs/shoot the gun out of his hand" etc after the fact.... Only someone who has never experienced violence could say something that stupid. Just from personal experience, I knew one woman that was caught in a crossfire and died from a single gunshot (bullet was meant for her husband), and I know someone who was shot in the head at 17/18 years old and the bullet somehow glanced off his skull. Had a nasty scar. Real life isn't a movie. Very unpredictable. Knifes are possibly more dangerous than guns if you are at striking distance, and you never know if someone has a blade. When that sympathetic nervous system kicks in and you go full fight-or-flight mode, the rational parts of your head literally stop working. Tasers aren't that effective, and people can still stab the shit out of you even if hit with a taser and CS gas... Sometimes it takes several torso shots or a good head shot just to take someone down.

Cumia going a bit soft. I wonder if that half a day break a few days ago wasn't forced by twitter, and Anthony's a bit scared?

He’s a fucking worthless bootlicker. Fuck Ant.