Winona Ryder has nice bubbaz.

65  2018-08-13 by RBuddCumia


Classic 1980’s beefers

She called King Mel out. Fuck her kike beefers. Stealing bitch.

And Mel called her and “Oven dodger”. The king always comes out on top.

cool it with the antisemitic remarks

Gunna make me some potato pancakes? Some latkes?

Did you take a wrong turn?

The MDE-O&A overlap isn't as large as you probably imagine.

Good, I hate the MDE fanbase, I don't want to be associated with that shit at all after visiting the subreddit

Are they all fucking Jewish over there?!

Typical oven dodger

She’s a coal burner too

Not really. Kinda small.

I like titties

Dude from Soul Asylum got to park his Runaway Train into her.

So did the pansy from Bright Eyes and the pansy from Rilo Kiley.

Blake fucked Winona and Jenny? Gd, good for that faggot.

Hope he banged Topanga when he was on Boy Meets World, too.

She settled on him cuz Paul Westerberg of the Replacements told her to get lost.

I really like Jewbs.

Tsst Ryder, i barely know her.

dvv dvv

"Mel Gibson called me an oven dodger."

can't help herself and steals things

It’s almost like Anthony’s people and (((her’s))) share something in their bloodline.

What you've done here is, you've written two things. That's about all you've done here.

Normally I like to throw a film line out there but I don't think the superb Heathers is necessarily a sub favourite...

Too many cunts and SJW's like it, that's why.

I'm not saying the film suffers from poor quality, mind you.

You're absolutely right. It's a crying shame. The irony is the entire film is a critique of click and group-think culture, exactly like modern far-leftism and social justice. Oh well.

Yeah man, it's hard being one of the few who gets it, right?

Hundreds of millions get it, nothing special. Nice try with the hate tho

Yeah man. I hate SJW's. The conservative ones are hypocrites and the liberal ones are brainwashed.

I don't mind people believing whatever they believe, but when it's all an act just to make friends or improve a career it's tough to stomach

Did you like the new one?

I didn't watch it even myself when I saw that they made the heather's a fat chick a gay guy and whatever. I don't mind mixing it up but the whole point is that they're hot and vapid and female

Yeah same. Although I kept reading it was supposed to be a send up of 'SJW's' or something which could be amusing but whatevs.

5 minutes into the pilot, it's clearly very anti-SJW, might be worth a watch

I love my dead gay son!


Wino Forever

Wino Forever

Lest we forget... Depp boned her as well.

Khazar beefers.

She was my first crush before I even was interested in girls. My parents let me down a lot, but at least they let me watch Beetlejuice when I was like 6 or 7.

I promised God I wasn't gonna masturbate anymore today.

Good news! God doesn't exist!

She killed Polly Klaas or something.

I’m a simple man. I see titties I upvote.

Nice Reddit cliche, asshole.

No you are! tsss.

This. So much this.

Now the tub is missing

Nice jew tits. Wish she had unleashed them more.


Not anymore.

She’s a coal burner too