Musical interlude

34  2018-08-13 by Dennyislife


Top notch.

That sir was a masterpiece.

He really is a mediocre singer

i think it's autotuned too

Bravo. I always hated his stupid Neil Diamond impression.

The Joseph Cumia Show advertised nicely.

Anthony was an average singer in an average bar band on li. Their music choices sucked even as a 16 year old I found them boring People made fun of their pretend rockstar act while playing top 40 and Van Halen covers. They were delusional even back then. I think they won a battle of the bands against a bunch of high schoolers and started using that as their intro. They also used to imitate another bar band, Mazarin, I think until those guys started badmouthing them and costing them gigs.

You know too much about this

I remember a lot of it. I was around in the 80s on li and we had bands that played in all the same dives. I think nana is 5 or 6 years older than me and the other guys his age from my hometown became the stray cats and the cars along with 10 others who became studio musicians. Rotgut used to come to gigs looking like old losers and trying to act like rock stars. They were ridiculed quite mercilessly. One night a group of 16 year olds stood right in front of them and imitated their rockstar pretending and facial expressions through their entire set. I think they thought they were big fans. They were delusional, like I said.

Please tell me more

That’s about it. Not many people bothered to go see them a second time. My cousin did soundboard and owned a working pa so he sat through a lot more bad shows than I did.

I just can’t get enough of this

Watch spinal tap again, you’ll get the picture as soon as you remove all the parts where people had ever heard of them. They had to pay 10 times what they made for cds that they tried to sell to drunks. I do remember that they were circus ugly. Not like rock star ugly but ugly enough to startle people who saw them up close. They also claim they started the band in 1990 but I am pretty sure they started earlier, just couldn’t find any gigs until they were in their 30s. They were 30 year olds who got bumped at showcase shows for bands who were still in high school.

I want this to be fake so badly, just for the meaness of it, but you're oddly convincing. I'm going to believe everything.

Tell us more about what LI was like in the early 90s when Ant was doing this shit.

He keeps claiming 90’s but I am convinced most of it was really 80s. That bullshit shiny clothes with the ridiculous hair was all 1980’s. Both of them were out of hs in the 70’s and joe was out of the army by 1980. And they did every fake thing that they saw on mtv to try and get famous, all the bullshit billy idol / madonna stuff.

Is he holding his ass egg?

ehhhh taste my goo!!! It's a fine vintage!!!

it's got nice legs, my cummm

Watch spinal tap again, you’ll get the picture as soon as you remove all the parts where people had ever heard of them. They had to pay 10 times what they made for cds that they tried to sell to drunks. I do remember that they were circus ugly. Not like rock star ugly but ugly enough to startle people who saw them up close. They also claim they started the band in 1990 but I am pretty sure they started earlier, just couldn’t find any gigs until they were in their 30s. They were 30 year olds who got bumped at showcase shows for bands who were still in high school.