What is the problem with these geriatrics?

0  2018-08-13 by FoundryLogo

Why do they all need “networks” to produce their podcasts? The only one with any visible success is Jim’s prop comedy show, and he felt it necessary to work under Bobby Kelly instead of for himself? He couldn’t figure out how to publish a video to YouTube? Or is it for access to all the top shelf talent such as breadfacegirl?

Anthony’s wallowing in obscurity behind a paywall. And if you pay, you learn that he’s also running ads during the show. Brilliant. People pay $80/month for hundreds of HD channels, why would anyone pay $9/month for a channel whose video snaps between 1080p and 144p?

Opie...well, to be fair to Opie, he may need all the help he can get. With firecracker guests like Sherrie and Vic, he could use the accidentally downloads.

What a bunch of dinks.


You try to get podcast equipment into the city and let me know how it goes.

Who the hell is breadface?