He didn’t deny it did he?

48  2018-08-13 by RBuddCumia


Is the pedophile rapist racist that wore his mothers shoes accusing someone else of having mental illness

Wait..I've never heard about this shoe shit. Links?

it's in the cumia documentary https://youtu.be/lWY9qbC58fU?t=3m20s

This is his criteria when he's looking for prostitutes.

Uggghhhh like as iiiiifffff

That's terribulll (dismissive slack wrist motion)

As opposed to well adjusted Ant.

Take another xanax Anthony you fruit.

Quite the standalone fruit, if ya ask me.

Sometimes, when I get stuck in life, I remember that a former multi-millionaire's biggest thing in life between video games and biting mentally ill girls is Twitter. What a sad fuck.

Says the guy who on camera claims to want to fuck his cousin but behind closed doors is fucking children and boys with bolted on tits.

This is so accurate. He purposefully gets into drama so he can get angry. If he didn't actively search for this shit all day every day it would never bother him. I don't even mean just trying to avoid it. If he didn't desperately find stuff to be angry about it would never reach him. That's why he keeps making twitter accounts.

What an embarrassing comeback from Anthony "I'm still Hilarious" Cumia

He's right doing searching like that would indicate some kind of mental disorder.

The irony of pizza face tranny fucker calling anyone mentally Ill.