TIL: In 1985, The Iraqi Army had state-sanctioned toilet cleaners, who were soldiers with the lowest IQs and were not mentally fit for combat or any useful purpose. They were given an honorary certificate of completion by Saddam himself and graduated in pairs from central mosque in Baghdad.

447  2018-08-13 by Ants_Oily_Hair


Saddam was truly a man of they're not really people.

Saddam was a badass. He kept the middle East in line because all the little groups were terrified of him and what he would do to them. Really makes you think about how horrible he must have been if people who like to behead others are scared of that fucker.

It seems that somewhat secular Ba'athism, however totalitarian, is better than fundamentalist savagery from the likes of ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Jeez, even communism was 'better' for Afghanistan (no burkas, etc), compared to what came after. We should have stayed out of it all.



There’s a video of the moment he takes the power in Iraq, it’s narrated by Christopher Hitchens. Saddam really was a dick

Oh literal toasteroven26.

Is it the one where hw gathers people in a room and call out their names to be taken out and Shot

Yeah and Iraq has only prospered without him

It has actually.

One of the greatest videos on YouTube. Hitchens was the only one, however wrong he was, to create a sound, logical indictment against Saddam, as well as a pretty solid basis for intervention. Hitchens makes a pretty good argument on how Saddam, despite what many think, was not all that secular. He financed many religious radicals who did his bedding, along with serial killers his secret police picked up on the street.

He financed serial killers?

He used to fish in his indoor pool with hand grenades. He would kill entire bloodlines if one member insulted him.

Only way to keep those crazy fucks in line.

Saddam is the only sand nigger I’m down with

What about my main man al-Assad?

Syria is a fun place. I have a video on my pc of a house that got hit with a chemical attack with dead children stacked on top of each other with foam coming out of their mouths.

Sounds healthy.


A MOS that you will not find in the Indian army.

Can't be true Saddam only fucked grown women

To save money on cleaning supplies, the dumbest of the two would grow his hair out and receive swirlies to clean the shit out of the toilets.

The other one was encouraged to grow goofy looking facial hair for the amusement of Saddam.

Its frowned upon for retards to use sharp implements like razors

That was good of Saddam - to not put retards into dangerous situations, essentially sending them to slaughter.

He did spray cleaning products in their eyes for amusement.

this better be true

Joe had always looked like a complete idiot. What a piece of trash.

The brother on the right would ultimately fail to make a living after attempting to form a tribute band honoring Iraqi musical legend Kathem Al Saher. He can currently be found begging for dinar from his younger, somehow uglier sibling.

His cover band's name was ـ2ي


Thanks for the tag, bro.

Damn you're quoting real musicians and shit

This nigga cultured

Lol I totally fucking bought this.

I forgot the subreddit I was in and was reading this like it was factual and informative. Boy is my face red!

Aww for the love of Pete, go on with ya.

"wait is this real" "those guys probably got fucked up during the war"

What occasion required these 2 to rent tuxes? Were they just playing dress up and inducting each other into the cumia hall of fame?

I think one was marrying the other's ex-girlfriend.

I didn’t question that for one second until I saw the picture.

Yūsuf and Antoine al-Qu'miya, decorated toilet cleaners of the Iraq-Iran war (1980-88). Takbir!

Now the only shit that Ant cleans is Sue's shit on his dick.

I honestly thought this was a post on /r/TIL until I looked at the picture

An underground gay wedding in 1980s Tikrit. Antwan and Yusef were arrested, imprisoned and summarily executed by Ba'ath party paramilitary forces. Saddam and his son Uday watched the two gay rights martyrs get shot dead while enjoying imported Iranian beluga caviar and a 1961 Dom.

sorry champ, My story is better.

This reminds me of hearing him on Stern doing a Billy West as Jackie the Joke Man for some reason, it’s the hope in the eyes.

The guy on the left is a noted terrorist if the Am Kunmyaa terrorist squad in Libya.

Saddam was quoted saying: These guys are fucking creeps bro

At least one of these men is a baby rapist.

I dunno, I'm not sure that jheri curl is regulation.

Nice experimental facial hair at a wedding, stupid

Wow these two, whoever they are, must really have been fuckups. In 1985 Saddam needed all hands on deck in the midst of the bloodbath with Iran.

I am happy u got the underlying joke for us military history guys out there

There's a joke here somewhere about Opie taking photos of toilets, Kumiya cleaning them, fuck.

Uday & Qusay

Brother joe is the good looking one. Yikes

Sadly, these loyal soldiers and their families were later slaughtered by Saddam's secret police. The excuse given was that they were pedophiles.

My sure what year this is by when ever it may be, these hair styles were never popular

this is an all-time post

Ant looks like Captain Patch from Peter Pan.

This picture proves Joe was destined for an appearance on The People’s Court.

I am such a stupid asshole I clicked on this thinking WOW WHAT AN INTERESTING FACT

Rotten moss headed mother fucker.

That's Farsi though

I would completely believe this.


At first I thought this was a real post on the front page, then I opened the image.

My gullible ass saw this on the front page and thought it was a TIL.

That paragraph is Persian, not Arabic.

Same shit

Big brain comment

Stfu, pakki

Its all squiggly sand person writting in the end.

Why the fuck have all your comments changed to this random nonsense? I mean, it's actually an improvement, but still.

u should know. u hacked me. fucking weirdo. having fun stalking and hacking me?

Uhhh maybe because u fucking hacked me. Maybe that could be it? Weird right?


Yeah. Thought so. Fucking weirdo

I'll be honest, I already thought you were an idiot. Now, I don't even know if there's a word for this level of stupidity.

You think that I somehow "hacked" your Reddit account? Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

Yeah dude. I saw hackers and also the one with sandra bullock. I know how hacking works. Nice try tho

The one with the afro looks like a huge faggot

Spoiler alert: they both are.

Now this is entertainment.

The one one the right isn't real military. He was dishonorably discharged for drinking kid spit.


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Its frowned upon for retards to use sharp implements like razors

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