REMINDER: This man refers to non-comedians as "civilians"...doesn't have a Wikipedia page.

148  2018-08-13 by CuntyDracula


I've actually forgot this guy's name, all I know is meat truck

he goes by "Straight Dave."

Or, alternately: brother of unremembered Auburn running back.

Or, Jeff Dunham's puppet face.

If you can remember one more thing about him, make it Replinesh. Always replinesh meat truck.

Where we at with the Hick Venley?

He's a prettier ellen degeneres

That is not Ellen Degeneres?

He's a guy with a lot of opinions on how to make it in the business and hasn't done so himself. Also ppl gave Artie a lot of shit for recycling the same 5 stories, but ol lesbian face only has 3. I don't know man it's a tough one.


Nice chompers.

He has one of the most feminine faces that I've ever seen on a man.

More than Joan Machi?

I'd say it's about a horse a piece.

Such a pretty boy.

He looks like he was brought to life by the blue fairy.

He's one of those "men" who can't grow a full beard. He's in his 50s and can probably only muster a few scraggly hairs on his chin and a wispy moustache.

Isnt that the chick with the revolutionary Netflix special?

“Is revolutionary Netflix special code for cock?”

-A. Cumia

No Vic's been raped more

That is an unapologetic chomo mugshut.

I bet he takes trips to Thailand.

Meat truck?

Replenish meat?

This is a dyke right?

He looks like that caterwauling old whore, Joan Baez.

Isn't he on his brothers Wikipedia page though?

He played for Auburn?

It seems someone edited him out two months ago.

Non-Mobile link:

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Ellen Degeneres?

Looking at this picture suddenly gave me a craving to have a side of beef delivered to my door.

Whatever this is, you can bet Anthony Cumia tried to bang it (when it was much younger)

Comedian, writer, podcaster, meat salesman, chews trees down for dam building. There's nothing this old queer can't do!

Lady Guy

Not a good gum to lip ratio but other than that he is very pretty. He's the kind of lady who ages very gracefully.

Yeah I'd fuck her

This looks like one of those pictures inside Supercuts of one of them 90s hairstyles.

Man, Vic is one low T lookin motherfucker...

This must be from her Activia days. Glad she grew her hair back for the new Halloween movie.

Looks like every old bag who beat breast cancer.

nice gums idiot

No Richard Simmons has a wikipedia page

But is he an "alpha" like Carl?

Muh fuckah don't ever know the alphabet tsss

You could park a Buick under that awning of an overbite.

tfw the glory hole is too big


Ellen really had some rough years

She was my 7 grade math teacher

Nice headshot, faggot

The only people who should be referring to people as civilians are members of the military referring to those who aren't members of the military. Period.

I get annoyed when police officers call people civilians. You're a civilian, too, officer!

Who the fuck is this

Fez's girlfriend Dawn Cumia

I get my brisket from this guy. He’s never said anything funny to me.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Vic Henley is the Boba Fett of the O&A universe

I always saw him more as that pig monster that cried after Luke killed the rancor.

Is this honestly what Vic Henley looks like??? I was picturing a Dwight Yoakam-type face. He looks like Bob Levy crossed with Tilda Swinton.

Someone who is somehow less funny than Opie. I don't know how people still pretend that him and Sherrod are funny. Is it just because they're cellar guys or what?

Who's this fuckin dude? Some civilian?


That is not Ellen Degeneres?