He's starting to transform into Frank Miller's Yellow Bastard

100  2018-08-13 by Ant_Sucks


sam sloberts

Fuckin' Samthony over here with his giant, cratered forehead. How are those individually placed artisanal doll hairs holding up you jaundiced old faggot?


Sue City

The Hard GoodCry

Foreskin City

Nice! I started to do a photoshop of this last night but bailed 'cause I was too drunk.

Did you turn yellow too?

Not just yet.

He really is starting to look like him. Odd because I always associated yellow bastard with Jim

Thankfully Jim got his dangerous levels of alcoholism under control.

Just in time too! After all, past the age of 17, your liver is destroyed forever...

jessica alba was good looking in that movie film.

I liked Carla Gugino as well. Oo-fah!

I'm certain he has jaundice.

Yellow skin on an alcoholic means the liver is inflamed and the end is coming.

That's excellent news to start the week.

He actually looks fucking horrible

Looks like The Hobgoblin too.

If he was a libtard (lol, add libtard to dictionary) he could have gotten a new Haitian liver, or even a planned parenthood stem cell fetus ~drink~ injection.

The Ant pic has to be shopped. The forehead and hue give it away. Next time don't shop it, it does a disservice to just how ugly the man is without enhancing it.

Reading comic books? What are you, 5?

You wanna suck 'em?

It's called a GRAPHIC NOVEL, civilian.

Starting? He's 3/4 the way there.

Is he?