That blur check mark is a sledgehammer to Nana's soul everytime.

124  2018-08-13 by dropngo


looks like theres a another way to piss off Nana

Ant telling all the way from obscurity

It's getting crowded over here, don't tell the Chinaman about the CP empire

Soon there will be more people in obscurity than in the known realm.

There's already way more people in obscurity than subscribed to Compound Media

Wow good comeback trandpa. What a sad washed up mess he is.

Remind me of that time Opie stomped his cake with one tweet and he was like I don't know who this Opie radio fella with a blue check mark is

I'm still hilarious!

Yes, as blur as the seven sirs


The truth hurts.

The response to the accusation that the paying subscribers to his comedy podcast aren't having any fun was "so?". Thats really all that needs to be said.

As well As being old, ugly, sad, sexist, racist and homophobic.

He just this ain't your showed that fucking guy.

The only joy Anthony provides is as a source of ridicule.

But his former fans are having a blast!

it's a real wellspribg of joie de vivre around these parts


she looks like a real creature

An empowered nobody, huh? He could say that one into the mirror

Right? The content she produces may suck but she's written on comedy central and NBC shows within the past few years so she is way more relevant in showbiz than him.

like SNL?


Yeah but Comedy Central and NBC have sucked balls for years so her writing for them is like being the smartest retard in the special needs class.

It doesn't mean she has any talent, it just means Anthony is way more of a nobody than she is.

O&A has sucked balls since 2012. It was terrible those last years and none of them have went somewhere better.

I liked this joke better in Waiting.

I worded it differently. Amy "tons of fun" Schumer taught us all that parallel thinking is okay for unfunny, fat douchebags. And I fit that to a T.

That's fair.

Lame, racist, sexist, homophobic, sad, old, and ugly is a pretty good description. They just forgot to mention pedophile.

She should mention that her IQ is low so she has to shame-target very obscure lowbrow fanclub shit to hide the fact that she's a complete idiot that gets pay for being visual proof of token diversity hiring.

Nice sentence, stupid.

your brain hurt? go back to listening to chip, faggot.

Your brain hurt? Just focus on driving that truck, faggot.

Eat my shit, you bum.

That's a redeeming quality to those in PEDOWOOD.

And woman beater/biter.

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Old

I agree with Ant here and only here, fuck these 3rd worlders with checks and fuck twitter for trying to make them look important.

Anthony literally spends all day on twitter sticking his nose into things that have nothing to do with the, and criticizing people. This bitch sucks but why isn't she allowed to do exactly what he does.

because she's not funny.

And Ant's twitter is?

it's the ashes

I don't know who this person is, either, but I like them because they called him ugly.

I looked her up. She writes for Comedy Central.

two black women in a dispute, only one is verified. I’ll have to agree with the reputable, verifiable, blue check.

I'm amazed people like that exist. Lame dudes like that usually have wives that will fuck me

Homophobic? I don't think so, tranth is very lgbt friendly.

he's kind of right tho, that woman is a fucking zero.

Still more relevant than this bazaar dweller.

She's not wrong about anything she said.

cool comeback, stupid.

So Nana is allowed to have a negative opinion on anyone and everyone but keep your nose out of her business!

Uh who is that? Seems better than M

Given how much Nana drinks, everything is a blur...

I hate to see nig on nig violence, but she's had enough of Nana's tom foolery. It's high time Nana put on her slippers for the last time shut the garage door and let that jag run until it's bed time.

Fags can't be homophobic.

Nana just got ravaged by a female comedian.

"W..who the fuck are you?"

Great comeback, Groomia.

The blue check mark is basically a gold star from teacher though. Or a student hall monitor badge. You don’t have to be important to get one; just say the right shit.

Yes...and that makes it even funnier that it bothers that 60 year old pedo to no end.

Think about the fact that this rapidly aging old man is going to keep getting in internet fights until he’s on his literal deathbed.

Twitter should just be illegal for anyone over 50. It just isn’t good for them.

Keep your snout out of my business?

Why is he using 1930s insults now?

Is "Buzz Off" next, "Take a long walk off a short pier?"

Can’t say I disagree with her, but has this bitch ever heard of a comma?

They are both right.

This is funny on so many levels.

Holy crap she owned Ant. His comeback was horrible. Well, stay away from me!

It's getting crowded over here, don't tell the Chinaman about the CP empire

like SNL?


Yeah but Comedy Central and NBC have sucked balls for years so her writing for them is like being the smartest retard in the special needs class.

I worded it differently. Amy "tons of fun" Schumer taught us all that parallel thinking is okay for unfunny, fat douchebags. And I fit that to a T.