When the content is way too good on ur podcast and your body shuts the fuck down

7  2018-08-13 by JimberleyTwotimes


Never mention eggs and mustard in the same sentence bc it’s just too much to handle

I wish Ron would do an unmasked with him or a show. I could listen to them talk about old New York and food for hours.

he's scary. He does this all of the time. I really don't understand how he is still alive.

There are a lot of chemicals in Joeys body that are all vining for attention,sometimes the downers Kick in other times its the uppers turn.Its all good.Could be sleep apnea too.

He’s also like the west coast Otto, only in that he’s well supported by comics around him and has every opportunity to not be a piece of shit, but still is. Otto was 10x funnier though, but maybe I just don’t get the whole “uncle Joey” reformed felon bit.

I don't like him on podcasts but his standup is very funny live.

How is he currently a piece of shit? Other than slowly dying while he has a young kid.

I meant it loosely

Is he still alive?

hope not

Joey had a good run with this podcast; it went downhill around the same time they were getting solid gold guests like Danny Brown unfortunately. Been getting shittier ever since, literally unwatchable at this point.

All he does is talk about his same myopic life experiences over & over again. I don't want to hear about your stories from the set of the longest yard/spiderman 2 Joey, not for the millionth time. Go back to OD'ing on edibles/mushrroms and talking about scummy ex con stories/giggling about nothing, that shit was basic but it was funny and at least it was unique and you knew what you were getting.

"Dawggg, when I was on Spiderman 2...." shut the fuck up you fat Mo, we've heard it every podcast