Fuck you line

32  2018-08-12 by thisonemademelaugh2

'Hey i just want to say a big fuck you to my whore wife who cheated on me with my brother , fuuuckkk youuuuu ' my personal cringiest bit on that fuckin show , you could tell half the voices were Troy before he was a known voice (and before he murdered his girlfriend)


You know it was fake because no one called in and said "Fuck you, Opie. You're ruining the god damn show."

Nobody before Ant's hate-train would've done that, we were all behind the show and the man leading the show.

Believe it or not, I think the Opie haters were a minority at the time. Someone has to steer the ship, brotherman.

sniff that's the bit, sorry the show passed you by

hey to my boss whos a fucking cunt fucking gets on my ass for being 5 fucking mibutes late 2 days in a row. it's my first week asshole gimme a break, FUCK YOU

The only good thing about it was Bobo's FWUUHCK YUHW! played in succession.

Turns out the show was gay all along and so were the listeners.

Troy killed a gal?

in a very horrific manner

Neverending you line. (Ive been jamming old Nora lately)

"Hey, fuck you. Anthony is a drunken pedophile, Norton is a spineless faggot, and Sam Roberts would lose a popularity contest to cancer. Opie was never funny, but at least he has a life and is not utter shit as a human being. Fuck all of you."

That would be every call now.

I respectfully want to correct you by saying it was properly called "The Eff You Line."

Eh, i would say the cringiest thing was back when Opie and Anthony liked to mobilize the pests.

"Pests: ATTACK!"

"The O&A army will not let up."

"The pests have taken control of your radio show."

Fucking. Yuck.