For the racist pedophile who’s still hilarious

284  2018-08-12 by fbrsbf



If Antwan cut his head off we wouldn't be albe to make fun of his craters

There goes 80 precent of the material

Soy sauce hair, fake teeth, craters, bloated hgh face, retarded dinosaur look etc

there’s also a bug eyed look to his eye sockets. Patrice used to talk about Ant’s doe eyes, like a deer, but. now it’s definitely more of a buggy eye socket, like a preying mantits.

Get it? He’s preying on Sue’s tits.

Speaking of his eyes one of the photo on the night of his arrest looks like a dolls eyes, he's one creepy looking mfer

May as well get his money's worth out of 'em.

Those buttons on the bottom shirt are a bit too fancy

It’s called a henley

Does it come with a meat truck?

He wishes he was that white

What dept store is this? Sears?.. Whatcha doin there? Queerin around for deals in the clearance sect?

Teds plaid and Rock Star shirt Emporium.

we make 7 buttons a year

1995 was the best year of my life

didn't realize it was Ant til I noticed the metal rod up its ass

F*%k yah .....ha ha

The hand on hips captures his "latent" homosexuality.

Thissss isss turrrrrrrible.

Such a sassy pose. Probably the gesture he makes as he sends people to obscurity.

John Varvatos wearing faggot

Or for the insecure 6th grader w/ nigger hair and acne.


Tony 2 Shirts.

I haven't laughed this hard in a while.
Thank you.

Ant dresses like every white 7th grader on picture day in 2002.