Is Ant mad at Joe?

13  2018-08-12 by RBuddCumia


Uh...Joe doesn't get CHARITY. He gets RESIDUALS from a PACT between two brother when they were children. He's the brains between the Joe/Anthony team who made all that money broadcasting for two decades.

Yes I can confirm, they made a pinky swear.

Someone should have told them that you wrap the pinkies together, not put them in each other's assholes.

It's a proud family tradition

Why is Ant talking about black people in the same way Ayn Rand talks about people who expect more than they are worth now?

Is he going to start talking about black folks means of production?

Sixth Sense-ish spoiler alert. Ant is black people

“I see black people...”

-Ant looking in the mirror and reflecting on his past

At most he'd reflect on his reflection. Not enough introspection for anything beyond that

Sikh's Sense

I don't think you've ever read Rand. I don't like that bitch, but that's kind of the opposite of her message. She did have contempt for those who want to take more than what they're worth not by offering something better, but by mooching it off others, though.

Taking advantage of charity as in...a guy gives you his Netflix subscription money because you used to make him laugh on the radio and now hes just a fat old chimney sweep and its too late to find a better hobby?

Wow he really is beyond redemption. Also what cognitive dissonance he displays by including himself with the rest of us whites.

The guy who charges 10 bucks a month to hear him fawn over prepubescent girls is mad about handouts.

By innovation you know he means the Apollo missions.

What a weird leap in logic

If I'm racist, it's only because those darkies made me do it!

At most he'd reflect on his reflection. Not enough introspection for anything beyond that