Nana got to go to her favorite diner today. Enjoy the pea soup, Nan Nan!

1  2018-08-11 by RBuddCumia


That looks nothing like Mr. Pitt, you geriatric retard.

I bet Travis laughed so he could keep getting free hot dogs at the compound. Hahaha Nana!!

Taking sneak shots of random people, careful or you might get your ass beat down again.

Why does he do this? He’s such a teenage girl

If this old dude got pissed Anthony would play the victim

“He’s Mr. Pitt! Because that’s what he was!!!!”

Then a pack of line cooks came up and I said "back off! This ain't your show."

“If I wasn’t a law abiding, legal gun owner...”

Oh, wait. You aren’t anymore, Nana.


It would be funny seeing his reaction to an ass beating from a guy with a name tag.

Two old guys look alike. Its like whenever hes doing anything besides sitting around in denial of the hell he's in because he lost his career he has to prove it to twitter.

I feel like an utter fag, for knowing the ref. without the tag.

is anthony copying Opie?

this is a rip off of Patrice working at a Hitachi restaurant

“If I wasn’t a law abiding, legal gun owner...”

Oh, wait. You aren’t anymore, Nana.