Alex Jones gets suspended yet Rachel Maddow is still spewing her leftist shillery

0  2018-08-11 by OlShotgunFace


Reread the title of your post and go think about what a buzzword-regurgitating dummy you are.

You might be a retard sir if you thought this was a serious post.

You know what? I'm a fucking boob for this one.

hey guy we have all been there!

That's Hannah Gatsby stupid.


are you sure thats not Paul Joseph Twatson?

oh shit maybe

AIDS has really taken its toll on Joe Derosa.

Improved his shoulders though.

Is she trying to look like Morrisey?

Careful there bigot mocking people’s appearance and gender is not funny.

I think it’s actually John Mayer.

Oh literal Lemmy

jerry garcia i think?

ol dorito lipz