Nice beard you faggot.

64  2018-08-11 by oharaross


I zoomed in to find chin stubble.

I might be literal hanarable here, but beard is code for a woman a gay man uses to give off the appearance of being a straight man.

What sort of person knows this lingo?


He didn't have enough Chaturbate Tokens for princess Ragnar to fly in and go with him?

not allowed in the US.

For an undisclosed reason totally unrelated to an HIV status?

Princess Ragnar had to go to High Hrothgar so the Greybeards can teach xer the power of the thu’um.

I used to be hilarious, then I took an arrow in the knee.



fus ro deliver more tokens!

He also took a fire breath shout to his face and survived.

Nice sleeves faggot

Lookin like a cancer patient Fa la la la la

Chemo wrecked me body Fa la la la la.

Yeah Jims beard stinks too

Which one of them is that quote from?


Jimmy dressed sharp for his mother's funeral.

Her tits are tidal

MJ almost looks cute standing next to Mr. Magoo

This just makes me sad. His hack juvenile shit humor, his poorly fitting suit, the "just a friend" hooker he brought to a sentimental event, it's all so pathetic

Every straight mans dream of just being friends with a pornstar

and yet here we are

This chick takes 100 dicks a week and still won't fuck Norton.

The other guys are HIV-

Wouldn't want to bespoil her pristine pussy.

She 100% would fuck him. Jim is just too much of a pussy to ask for sex that isn't payed for.

He is too much of a faggot to fuck a girl without a dick.


How is it possible a semi-famous man like Jim Norton can't find a woman? I mean even my normalfag-boss knows who Jim Norton is.

He's gay?

He licks dick

my normalfag-boss


What's up faggot?

Ugh. I hate that she makes me feel carnal in my loins.

She's a porn star who refuses to have sex with him.

A tranny with a progeria kid.

How many people did she try to fight at this affair?

Jim wears panties sometimes, but he doesn't like them.

Jeff Bezos with 1/10000th the money and t-cells

Looks a lot like him actually, same stupid smile

Norton worth $15 million? I don’t think so.

Literal dickhead

How do you “almost shart”?

PrEp side effects.

Yeah it’s only a shart once it actually happens. Can a shart be hypothetical? Schroedinger’s Shart?

fuck man this is depressing he brought her to a wedding?


He’s so fucking repulsive. Why is head shaped like that? Why is he so wrinkly? What happened to the testosterone in his body?

I’m excited for him to start getting weird plastic surgery, or whatever his next dysmorphia will be.

Jim is just trying to hide as much of his 90 year old looking hands with that ill-fitting suit jacket.

the HIV keeps him looking sharp.

Jim & Harambe


How pathetic must this man feel when he has to explain that he won’t be fucking his pornstar date later that night. I hope she fucks another attendee.

All the uncle fucking as a kid made that Bitch mental

I made a detailed post asserting this notion a long while back, and nearly 7 months later I got an inbox ping revealing that a gibberish named reddit account made their first and only post ranting and raving to the tune of "HOW DARE YOU YOU PEACE OF SHEIT YOU DONT KNOW SHET". Talk about delayed gratification!

Terrible fitting suit.

The Crank Yankers Puppets: Where Are They Now?

He has a giraffe neck or that is photoshop.

He's a faggot to be hanging out with that hot mess all the time and not fucking all her orifices at every opportunity.

Gonna be fucking weird going through the wedding photos in about three years, after she's OD'd.

Do you think the bride's family was happy to pay for a sex worker's dinner at a family wedding so that jim could have a "date?"

Who’s wedding was this


She looks good

His head looks like the bullet from Mario Bros.

Every time I see a picture of Jim I get really excited before I remember he doesn’t actually have cancer

She looks like a darker colored Supremor from Fantastic Four comics.

are women just showing the tops of their areolae now? I’m noticing it everywhere.

What an absolute fag

Remember Angry Jimmy ranting about faggoty trees and fish? How did we get from there, to this HIV-stricken homosexual who refuses to eat yolk because cholesterol is Hitler?

He took this rotten bitch of a pornographer to a wedding and had to keep doing the discussion of why he did that.

"Oh, man. The sex must be wonderful with a nasty bitch like that and we all know how freaky you are. Shit, I bet you guys..."

"Well, actually, see, we're just friends."

What's wrong with this guy?

I used to be hilarious, then I took an arrow in the knee.