Comedy Central, those fuckin' coward ssscumbags cancelled Tough Crowd. The nerve of them. FUCK EM! I genuinely LOVED that show. Me and Keith would show up to the office and instead of writing for the show, we would sleep on the couches or chairs.

63  2018-08-11 by ForceableEntry


Woah woah if the right was in charge they do the Sam thing to the left I mean you don't want to motherfuck Colin but if he would wear a dress it wouldn't be such a tough one maaaaaaaan

Tough Crowd was cancelled because of poor ratings. What did he want CC to do? It wasn't an ideological or spiteful thing. They're running a business.

By the way, it got low ratings because Colin stinks as a presenter. That was the consensus among people I knew back then. I mean I like Colin but he sounds like he has potatoes and marbles in his mouth.

In hindsight, it was one of CC's greatest moves. Tough Crowd got replaced by The Colbert Report.

for them maybe--not for humanity.

Colbert actually guested a few times: weak.

Colin said the reruns were doing almost Daily Show numbers in that slot. It got cancelled because they didn't want them talking about race in a non apologetic way. That show was fantastic.

Tough Crowd actually did well ratings wise. I remember when it was beating the Daily Show. The problem Comedy Central had was political since it was a right leaning show. They are a left wing network and only want those views on tv.

One of the things that bugs them (Colin at least) is that it has just been fucking buried by CC since then. Even a decade and a half later, the only way you can even see any footage of it is by finding some blurry old VHS rips with hissy audio in the left channel only. It annoys the shit out of me too. There's obviously an audience for it since people have actually attempted to restore those old shitty VHS rips and create a complete archive of it.

also has news footage so there were rights issues involved with a DVD release.

Half of what made tough crowd good, is dead. And by half I mean in weight. RIP patrice

Colin says they were so lazy that he had to hire Sherrod as a writer.

nah sherrod was an affirmative action hire

Who Jackie?


It was a bit of a trainwreck of a show but they had a lot of episodes and was going to be cancelled eventually. It probably didn't help either that you had Nick DiPaolo on the show basically naming the jew in 2003.

Yes Nick and Patrice screaming at the top of their lungs at each other about black people and white people definitely didn't help the potential future of the show.

And talking over the host of the show until he was red-faced and having to bite his hand in frustration probably didn't help either.

However, i'm not ragging on Tough Crowd, it's was a very fun show if you actually watched but it was still a mess of a show, not that it mattered because it was entertaining as hell but i can see why Comedy Central didn't like it, and it's niche audience.

Yeah I used to watch it every night and that was way before I ever even listened to OnA and knew all the comics. I always found it to be entertaining but I don't see how Jim or anyone could be suprised it got canned

It wasn't great, no insult to the show, I just personally don't like that style.

It was really nice of Colin to have dykes like Jimmy and Judy Gold on the show

The coatail jumping queer. Dice, Opie, Colin, Louie, Gervais, Dana... I hope he falls out of a plane.

Ah the seldom seen teetotaler beer belly.

Jam Nardram is not a handsome man...

Colin said Giraldo worked his ass off for the show while Jim and Keith would sit in the office watching porn.

And where is Greg Giraldo now?

Where you will hopefully be in 6 months or less.

I don't get it. Why not tomorrow

I want it to be a surprise.

He was also an Ivy League educated doctor.


Lawyer. Whatever. He's fucking dead anyway.

I cannot believe Jim Norton, the hardest working man in show business, was ever lazy or ever took opportunity for granted.

It definitely showed. Giraldo was the most well-prepared of anyone who was ever on the panel. DiPaolo was the funniest though. Jim stunk. It was all aids shotgun toe trigger tranny prostitute and nothing else. Who needs to write when you have those gems ready?

Nick was hilarious on that show.

Patrice was even worse. The lot of em are ungrateful cocksuckers

He looks like my special uncle Denny

also has news footage so there were rights issues involved with a DVD release.