Any of you guys see BlacKkKlansman

0  2018-08-11 by RelevantField

I hear its good.


I've never seen one, but I've skipped a few meetings lately.

Whitney Cummings said it was so needed. Maybe you do old weird out of touch rich white lady who’s never had a black friend. The rest of us? We grew up with black friends, played ball with them, went to school with them, work with them, fight with them, consume their music, movies and culture. Whitney, you don’t need a movie to learn about black culture. Stop acting like you just saw a Jane Goodall documentary. Go make a black friend who can’t benefit your status and back account and who you don’t treat as a charitable project and sociology experiment for promotional purposes. Until then, quit the valid virtue signaling.

like Black Panther?

I prefer the original with OJ Simpson.

it's a spike lee joint of course it's good

Not going to read the reviews or expose myself to any of Spike’s interviews. Neither will provide the right frame of mind with which to approach the film. Spike is a good filmmaker, even when his message is heavy-handed or one-sided, so this is one I will make time for. Even his lesser work is more interesting than the best work of guys who approach the craft with impersonal timidity. The trailer made it look like a dope, period police yarn. Since the most prominent black director of all time made it, there’s extra leeway for the narrative to really lean into the racist aspects. I’ll be greatly saddened if Spike ever sells out and takes a dog shit corporate assignment purely for the paycheck, like Oprah’s personal rug muncher (who went from the MLK biopic to A Wrinkle in Time and scapegoated racist misogyny for the film bombing).

What's Spike's deal, does he have Asperger's or something?