Can we get all of these artists (or their estates) to sue this asshole?

7  2018-08-11 by RBuddCumia


I hope those artists representatives are alerted that a racist is covering their songs, so they can intervene

Lotta Johnny Cash on there but no Boy Named Sue.

I'd rather fuck an HIV positive black man than hear his version of 'Always on My Mind'.

Strong words. Strong, befuddling words

Does he ever take off that fucking hat? He was a line cook who had to join up because it was part of his sentencing and he acts like he was a decorated war veteran who stormed Normandy

Stolen wife-panning pans and misappropriated valor. This malcontent knows few depths.

He took it off for people's court and wore a t shirt version under his sports coat instead.

Does he ever take off that fucking hat?

Yes, in court he wears the Airbourne shirt.

“ a daydream believer and my brother fucks queens...”

Just imagine all the fat, leathery, 50 year old, white trash groupies that'll be in attendance. Joe's so lucky.

3 people went

3 more than come to see me

... and then comes in hot with daydream believer! i can here it in my head already

He had intercourse w his own mother high on crack.

He looks very sensitive here.

3 more than come to see me