Twitter Shuts Down Accounts of Proud Boys, Their Founder Gavin McInnes

108  2018-08-10 by beavvv


A stunning display of homophobia by Twitter towards the country’s foremost right wing LGBT community.

If they want to leave the right-wing LGBT community to (alleged) pedophiles like Milo or Anthony Cumia, then that decision is on them.

I'm not one to celebrate shutting down somebody's Twitter account. On the other hand Gavin is a faggot let him go back to Canada and fuck a moose.

tsk whats that a cow crossed with a mouse.

It's just... so unfunny.

I can't wait for his Compound Media interview.

It'll be like this; boo hoo those companies say I can't be on their service.

Now back to talking about a libertarian paradise, free markets, and ruggedly individual hot cowboys.

Proud boys should be a protected class.

Aren’t gays already?


The worst part about guys like Gavin and Tranpa is they try to pretend they're principled and live by some higher moral code when their careers were built on promoting degenerate filth. And sure, people can change, but while McInnes is going on about how Catholic he is, he had a porn star masturbate on his show regularly, shoved a dildo up his ass as a "bit" and made out with that Milo fag to protest against muslims (I guess?). And we don't need to reiterate the antics of the childless Mr. "Family Values" Cumia.

It's one thing to be a sleazebag. But at least own it. Don't pretend wagging your finger while you do it makes you a better person.

one of the reasons I'm ok with stanhope talking his shit, he's an unrepentant piece of garbage

Stanhope has stayed consistent in his humor and his overall character. Just a regular saint on eart'.

Just a regular saint on eart'.

he loves that new Nannete special from that one dike and said social media needs more censorship and that Alex Jones and other tards deserved to be shut down. He's as much of a hypocrite as the rest of them. At least Jim Jeffries doesn't pretend like some shithole in the middle of the desert is paradise on earth. Stanhope didn't even build Bisbee why the fuck should he have any pride in that place?

Also Stanhope admits that he believes road comics are inferior to improv performers like those at UCB

I don't know if the Popov vodka has rotted his brain, but his last appearance on Rogan was eye opening. He hates his fanbase and is turning into a queer--

He hates his fanbase

i mean its pretty clear he does, him on the podcast is a huge 180 from his stand up. He hates anyone that buys hookers despite it being like as vital to his stand up as trannies are to Jim Norton's. He adovocates getting as much help as possible if you feel like killing yourself despite killing yourself also being a huge chunk of his comedy.

Like based on his stand up, the Man Show should be right up his alley, but because his standup is him playing a republican character like Schumer, he hated every minute of his time on the man show,

He also has an uncomfortable obsession with Johnny Depp. which is odd considering how anti-celebrity he usually is.


You're a fag, not a cock smoking bottom boy fag, worse. You're a south park defined "fag" that is ignorant to the forever long battle to define, dismiss and and destroy your geopolitical enemy. The post is about gavin, fuck cumia on this one. Whether willingly or ignorantly, you fell into the trap labeling gavin a conservative hypocrite. Other than stiffs like hannity and Limbaugh, classical conservatism is dead. The modern day "conservative" has little to do with faith; were known as libertarians or classic liberals 20 years ago, who fight for the open exchange of ideas vs. progressives who demand every thought that isn't far left be shut down as hate speech. As a student of history I would have rather enjoyed William F Buckley shoving a dildo up his ass during his historic debate with Gore Vidal but that's just me.

Gavin is just a closeted homosexual.

If he'd just admit, Charlottesville would've never happened.

made out with that Milo fag to protest against muslims (I guess?).

What a great cover for a closeted gay man. "Don't you see?! I'm docking with this guy for the sake of Western culture's survival."

The worst part about guys like Gavin and Tranpa is they try to pretend they're principled and live by some higher moral code when their careers were built on promoting degenerate filth.

I think I saw a photo of a man squatting over Ant and shitting in his mouth here the other day.

He's also gone out of his way to denounce anyone to the right of him -- including the rally mentioned in that piece. Doesn't stop anyone from calling him a 'nazi'.

Poor Bevis


Uh oh. Ants gonna have to take a few extra Xanax after this one.

Let’s hope he takes 20-30 of them.

Oh no that is a deadly combination youre suggesting

Right, he should have black tar heroin and battery acid

Or he could just expose himself to sunlight, that would do the trick.

No need to hope, anything he washes down, he’s washing down with Coors Light.

Coors Light? He's a Bud Lite man my dude.

you cant od on xanax and beer stupid

I wonder how Gavin feels right now.

I guess it depends on wether he's on his manic phase or his depressive phase.

He’s loving the free press


Media companies owe me.


Its actually great when companies help the government silence political unrest

Yeah the government needs to step in and unban him.

No, the government is glad he is banned. Its not hard to understand.

Wouldn't the current government be pro Gavin?

look at china, i bet a lot of people in power and in business point their finger at china and be like see? look how prosperous those people are, free speech isn't that important. Its pretty fucking pathetic.

"look at thay slant eyed man using his hand to unclog human shit , he's clearly doing better than our folks"

Please don't mock Jimmy's dinner.

And be like

"Political unrest" is a little much for the Proud Boys.

I love how you guys love the free market until one of your guys gets fucked over.

Who cares if Gavin can’t tweet? Who the fuck has Twitter besides Anthony Cumia?

How does this make sense? Every free market has 1-3 companies that dominate it. Especially with social networks which has something called "network effects" where a social network entire success is based on how big the market is and grows because it's where the people are. Creating a positive cycle and making it twice as difficult for other companies to compete with them.

Given a the nature of social networks they should be exercising constraint. No one complains when abusive people are kicked off platforms. But when they start banning everyone for political reasons or the slightest non-mainstream ideologies then we have every right to complain and fight for a more hands-off approach.

They should focus on being a platform. You don't have to follow anyone on Twitter, you choose who you follow and people like good content. Just like on Reddit, you choose which subreddits to follow. The subreddit members vote on which content they like, and it ranks higher.

We don't need extensive editorialization from the company using some zero-appeal backroom process with glaring inconsistency.

Cool, brah.

I don't see anyone calling for government interference here.

I support government interference and many others on the right do. These companies are abusing their monopoly position on social media. This is precisely why you have anti-trust laws, to prevent companies getting too big and doing this kind of stuff.

The barrier to entry to start these kind of companies is too big. You can't just go somewhere else and even if you do go to the low level competition they are also being attacked. Sites like gab and bitchute and being attacked by server hosts and payment processors. The right is being attacked from all angles. We are getting kicked off mainstream social media and they are trying to destroy any alternative. This requires government intervention to make a create a free and open marketplace for ideas.

The right is being attacked from all angles.

Cultural angles. We own the entire federal government and most state governments.

For now, until the left takes over it. Then you've set a precedent for the left regulating social media and we're even worse off than we were when it was just randomly done by tech companies.

Actually the globalist hegemony owns much of the federal government still, especially the intelligence services.

Uh huh.

Stop whining.

exactly. that's why the right needs to use their power when they have it regulate these abusive companies.

Pyrrhic victory. The whites who voted the right into power are less and less of the electorate every day.

Well put, sir.

What happens when the left takes over the federal regulations that you've innocently set up with simple 'hands-off' types of legislation? I'd 100% bet they'd revise that 'hands-off' law to be conditional based on the same type of bullshit that Twitter is using now to censor their competitors.

Just like their conditional approach to free speech. There is no way they would stand by "freedom of speech on social media".

What happens when the left takes over the federal regulations that you've innocently set up with simple 'hands-off' types of legislation?

Nothing stops them doing that whatever the right does. You act like the left only acts on president and will leave well alone if the right does. That's the exact opposite of their mentality.

What needs to happen is there needs to be an internet constituion which codifies free speech and prevents companies abusing their power. You need to make the bar to modify this constitution very high, just like the already existing US constitution.

If you support that type of policy on the right you are digging your own grave out.

Explain to me your solution. It's easy to criticise. The right is getting fucked on every front and they can't even create competition without it being sabotaged. What are the right meant to do if they increasingly have less and less voice online? The next step is shutting down individual websites. Should the right go back to standing on street corners and handing out leaflets?

It's such a mystery why no right wing geniuses have created any worthwhile tech to compete with the current social media problems. One thing for sure is that the reason they haven't isn't because of your faggy whining excuses.

A lot of smaller companies are bought out by the big left wing tech firms so they might have started out run by right wingers but that doesn't last. The big tech firms are determined to monopolise their influence which is why they must be properly regulated and broken up if necessary.

Dis nigger gets it.


Imagine being so retarded you think what we have now is a free market

Or being retarded enough to think that small-gov conservatives believe in zero government and totally unrestricted markets.

It must be nice when all of your enemies are imaginary strawmen!

We know you're greedy pieces of shit who only want the government stuff you use and cutting anything you don't use.

Things I use: public infrastructure

Things I don't use: handouts

Who supports a totally unregulated free markets? Who doesn't support anti-trust laws? I think you'll find the number is very small.

Dave Smith

Criticising what a company is doing means you hate the free market

Criticising a market is one thing, a coordinated deplatforming by corporations because of the media political ideology is another.

Tell me how many left leaning companies this has Happened too?

This has nothing to do with the free market you dumb Cunt, this is a concerted effort to deplatform anyone that doesn't follow these companies political ideology facebook,Twitter,Spotify and Instagram all just confidently happen to do this within 12hrs.

Twitter has been caught shadow banning groups that have conservative alt right leanings, YouTube demonetising channels and Spotify removing podcasts, shit even Zuckerjew has come out and bragged that he targeted Alex Jones all these ppl have millions of followers more so than the legacy media who are losing considerable amounts of money.

But yeah it's free market. Dumb Cunt.

Just how many people have been venerating the free market on the subreddit, doyathink?

it is true, but these company see that nobody really cares about censorship, people even support some of those bans, Im sure if people got upset and companies who suppress free speech got bad press they would be more weary about doing it. Bottom line is the most important thing for corporations, they see that people will keep using those platform regardless.

I'll buy an argument that Google blocking someone from appearing in search results would be de facto censorship from the public square.

Whereas Proud Boys can still get all the Gavin McInnes hipster dipshitism they want even if he's banned from Twitter.

Do you use Twitter?

I used to. Then I realized it's a garbage medium where thought goes to die.


Probably at home with butt plugs in every orifice.

No surprise. In short time Twitter will be another lonely boring echo chamber for liberal faggots and pretend journalists to give each other likes on their latest virtue signaling causes.

Can you name five cereals?

I bet this LIBTARD DEMONCRAT couldnt even name 3.

Yeah and SOY OATMEAL doesn't count!

I'm all for free speech but Twitter and YouTube are corporations.. not public spaces protected by the First Amendment.

1st amendment free speech and censorship are not mutually exclusive

I don't know if you're agreeing with me or not.

just because it's not protected by the first amendment doesn't mean it's not censorship. I think what you said is irrelevant and fuck your mother

I disagree.

Then telling a Mormon to fuck off from your door is also censorship.

Stop censoring me

Imagine thinking this was a legitimate comparison.

Imagine my cock slapping your face.

Goddamn polygamist Mormons forcing their dumb freudian hero's journey archetypes on us!

The free market is a beautiful thing

But can they Name 5 kinds of cereal?

I bet he always venerates the entrepreneur

As long as there is a dildo up his arse... AS A JOKE!

These tech billionaires are just just attempting to erase the public voice of some of the "wrong thinkers", not some kind of stalinist slippery slope or anything.

They'll ban their way to having the government in every part of their life! A small price for that utopia.

It really is gross. The left are the very fascists they claim to fight against. Orwellian fucks.

wow makes u think forst they came fer hate groups

the left should be lining people up against the wall. like the old days. good times. stalin did nothing wrong

Good thing we are catching this now before it’s been going on for a decade.

Copper Cab wins.

He won the moment Gavin believed him and tried to teach him “how to be a man”.

This shouldn’t provoke any problems for this weekends southern parade..

Please god let Anthony be next (again). I mean, he is an honorary Proud Boy, after all.

The suspensions were for violating Twitter’s policy against “violent extremist groups,” a Twitter representative told TheWrap. The “zero-tolerance policy” prohibits, among other things, accounts that “engaged in, or currently engage in, violence (and/or the promotion of violence) as a means to further their cause.”


We’ve invaded countries, lost thousands of soldiers, killed thousands of civilians, built technology like you could never imagine, gave blood sweat and tears, sacrificed everything, all for the new world order post world war 2: capitalism, democracy, central banking, and the petrodollar.

Are these guys suddenly going to let Anthony Cumia, Gavin McInnes, and Alex Jones take over national politics from a podcast and twitter account? Aren’t these the same people that planned 9/11? Now they’re going to let Craterface and the Proud Boys win?

Anthony Cumia is safe, he broadcasts from a place called "The Free Speech Network".

Gavin looks like he's in his 60s

Good. Now I hope Twitter turns the gun to it's own head and pulls the trigger.

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 64%. (I'm a bot)

Twitter suspended the accounts of Vice Magazine co-founder Gavin McInnes and his far-right Proud Boys group Friday afternoon.

The suspension came ahead of this weekend's "Unite the Right" rally in Washington D.C. The accounts were shut down for violating the company's policies prohibiting violent extremist groups, Twitter said in a statement to Buzzfeed News, which was first to report the suspension.

Twitter's suspension of McInnes and the Proud Boys also comes as the company is under fire for not suspending the accounts of far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his Infowars media outlet even after Apple and Facebook banned Jones from their platforms.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Twitter#1 Boy#2 Proud#3 suspension#4 account#5

“Ant, we coming for you, nigga”

Anthony has slid so far back into obscurity that Twitter isn't even bothering to suspend his account. He's a political nobody with no platform.

I support Gavin getting banned. Fuck that guy

This is NOT the way to venerate the entrepreneur.

How does Dante Nero feel having Proud Boy tattooed on his neck like a moron

He has enough real estate for it.

I think he quit a while ago and claimed he was treated like a 'token'. Uhuru!

I saw neo preforming standup live. He DESTROYED. I never saw Patrice but Dante has to be his ghost or some spooky shit

or some spooky shit

I don't find plagiarism all that spooky

Idk eh carlos mencia is spooky holmes

i saw him recently he got that shit covered up

I don't mind Gavin for the most part, but despise the Proud Boys cult. Some shitty satire group with a hand full of fags that turned into a hardcore alt right group.

I get banning the Proud Boys, but not Gavin. That's my hot take for the night.

Can someone please explain to me exactly what the " Proud Boys'' consist of . My buddy tried to say that I would like them and to join and without even knowing exactly what that group is , I took offense .

Do you know what the YMCA is? It's that.

Sure , It's a place to swim and workout and do activities like gay sex . Do they really swim though ?

Well at least their doing this shit evenly, banning Antifa and black hate groups too. Except of course they’re not.


its astounding to me that people still dont know proud boys is a goof. But the media wants Nazis, and i guess these will do. the media defiantly make these queefs seem like a threat. but still i hear "intellectuals" calling the proud boys a legitimate organization. Gavin played the media. i hate him, but he nailed it.

They just gave gavin and cumia some show content for about a month

This is proof that Nana is controlled opposition. They haven't shadowbanned him.

100% anti-censorship is a noble ideal to strive for. It’s only feasible for these communication platforms to be truly untamed early on, before they become enslaved by their corporate overlords. People basking in the fleeting victory of their enemies being muzzled have no grasp of the long-game implications. This road is endless, and invariably leads to everyone losing. In the short term, it also turns the quests of windbags like AJ and Gavin into crusades, to echo a recurring refrain from The X-Files about why the syndicate never killed the meddling Mulder. Suppressing AJ on the grounds of hate speech is especially preposterous to me. The man is a WWE character.

Do corporations have the right to infringe on their users free speech in favor of presenting themselves more adfriendly? Answer is yes.

but than its not a platform anymore

Proud Boys (1982) Comedy 1/2* - Three pals attending a summer ROTC camp (Micheal O'Keefe, Chris Makepeace, Anthony Edwards) vie for the affections of the headmaster's (Paul Gleason) daughter (Nancy McKeon). With Charlotte Ray, Jack Warden. PG, adult language, brief nudity. 105 min

RIP, Charlotte Rae


While niggers get away with calling for the extermination of white people on a daily basis


Back to obscurity

Gayvin McCuckold always looks like he has cum in his beard from a Navy Seal that just used his mouth as a pussy.

I bet this LIBTARD DEMONCRAT couldnt even name 3.

If they want to leave the right-wing LGBT community to (alleged) pedophiles like Milo or Anthony Cumia, then that decision is on them.

"look at thay slant eyed man using his hand to unclog human shit , he's clearly doing better than our folks"

I don't know if the Popov vodka has rotted his brain, but his last appearance on Rogan was eye opening. He hates his fanbase and is turning into a queer--

And be like