Slaaaaaaay quuuuuuuueeeeen

44  2018-08-10 by Dennyislife


He brought a whore as his plus one to a J&S Show employee’s wedding. Klass

"HOLD ON HOLD ON, we got ScottSummersOmegaLVL on the Internet, Yo Scott, what's up brotha?"

Yeah, he looks like AIDS WILLIS

this reminds me a certain dovid

Jim with the most rehearsed smile ever, his whore date with the deadest eyes imaginable.

He brought a whore as a 'trophy' who will still never fuck him & he looks proud of it.

he's a man without options

Local Pastor brings Guatemalan refugee to wedding.....story at 11.....

where's the tie, you flamer? Jesus H. Christ!!!

Check his instagram stories. Travis couldn't even tie his own tie and he's far more human than Jim.

Dudes a millionaire and can't be bothered to get a suit that fits properly. Creep.

Uncanny sorry for referencing this faggotry.

That caption is really tryhard and unfunny, even for jim. wow


His joke is that he “almost” did what Al Roker actually did five years ago in the White House and went to every news outlet to talk about.

He’s five years behind Al Roker humah.

He also did what Al Roker did and lost a ton of weight only to become more freakish & decrepit looking.

He set the trend on taking prep tho

Is he wearing a fucking crew neck t-shirt under his shirt? Christ Alfuckingmighty.

On top of being the wrong shirt he has an older one with a sloppy rolling over edge.

Ant still would 0refer more shirts than that.

Guy was wearing cocktail-server shirts two at a time!

At least it looks better than this or this

omg, he almost made a pants poopie!


That's right civvies, no tokens necessary. Now if you'll excuse me, there's half a mint waiting for me on the desserts table

It's bad taste to bring your pet to a wedding

Oh stop, he doesn’t bite. He’s harmless.

It’s always about shit and cum with this guy. It’s almost like he’s a homosexual

Just a 55yo man bringing a literal cumbucket pornstar/hooker to a wedding where everyone knows what she does.

What the fuck is wrong with him???

What the fuck is wrong with him???

He works in an industry where his deviant behavior is constantly being validated and normalized, so much so that he doesn't even realize at this point how creepy and weird he is.

She's getting a little think too. Or maybe she was always that fat and gross.

A cumbucket who is prone to irrational rage and violence, no less.


Jim looks like the kind of non-threatening loser that porn chicks and strippers love. A big enough dork to keep bringing them flowers or help paying to fix their car, but always too weak to actually take the pussy.

You just know he bought her the dress too.

He has to be a few grand in the hole just to attend this.

How many sex workers' phone bills do you think he covers?

Jim seems like the kind of person to include a long note with his RSVP explaining his dietary restrictions and demanding no champagne for the toast be placed at his seat. He is a person who can't comprehend that it isn't always about him.

"Youre NOT being nice, youre not giving me what I want"


He is a person who can't comprehend that it isn't always about him.

did you see that recent clip posted with CQ talking about him during the comedy uso show in iraq?

She’s just fun to hang out with, there’s nothing sexual! I’d tell you if there was! BELIEVE ME, I would! I just like hanging out with her, it’s a good time! I’m telling the truth!

A turtle and her pay pig.

Two turtles

She does look good there, I think i'll make an effort to bust one to her, If I can forget Jim and Sam ever touched her...

Who will ever want that worm?

No person could commit themselves to Jim. He is so self centered, he will be alone forever.

Probably because he still does that holding his shit in to simulate a dick thing. He talked about it one day an doctor Steve explained that he was gay.

B'aaaaaaaahhhhh encopresus, b'ahhhhhhhhh

LOL. also PrEP side effects

he's such a fucking short emaciated twirp he couldn't even find a child's suit that fit him

I wonder what her hourly rates are for "dates" like this?

Jim looks like he's older than tranth

Ill fitting suit off the rack. A shirt 2 sizes too large. Crew neck under a shirt. Bald, misshapen head. This guy would be repulsive to anyone even if he were a billionaire

Hope they catch her blowing the groom and the wedding gets called off. The bride and the worm will be weeping.

This IS photoshopped, right? God, his neck and head just look bizarre. He’s taken some awful pics over the years, and this may be the worst.

"Poo poo is funny" thought the 50 year old man.

Which one of these people has Aids?


thats a man


Looks like Don Rickles

Hope he went out and got new folding chairs for an after party.

It's like there's a puppateer controlling his face muscles but he pulls up too much

Those tits are kinda fat though

Her tits and ass are fake, still nice tho, even if attached to a monster.

As soon as she touched my dick, I came and started sharting

And actually did three seconds into it.

Le username checks out xD

Fawk yeaaaah! That woulda been hilarious

The suit is too big, couldn't he afford to have one tailored? Granted, putting a suit on a worm is an achievement unto itself

I presumed the quote was hers

please tell me you photoshopped his head.

Colin described him as a ludicrous goblin with an ugly baby face. Too true.

That’s a lot of tit to be showing at a wedding... Also, who’s wedding is this?

Staff guy rob. Was the old o&a intern who lied about his pool party.

Is babyboy a descendant of the coneheads? Motherfucker has to be photoshopped.

Do you think the bride's family was happy to be paying for a dinner for a sex worker just so Jimmy could have a "date?"

Classy pic you can see the top of that Dominican jizz rags aroela

"HOLD ON HOLD ON, we got ScottSummersOmegaLVL on the Internet, Yo Scott, what's up brotha?"

Yeah, he looks like AIDS WILLIS

this reminds me a certain dovid

Jim with the most rehearsed smile ever, his whore date with the deadest eyes imaginable.

He brought a whore as a 'trophy' who will still never fuck him & he looks proud of it.

he's a man without options

Two turtles

Local Pastor brings Guatemalan refugee to wedding.....story at 11.....