Edgy risktaker Jim told Mary Jean not to drink, 'in case he needed her to drive'

60  2018-08-10 by Toss__Pot

wtf?! Surely the point of taking Mary Jean is to fuel-her-up with booze & watch her go. & nobody right-minded would let her drive, there are better suicide methods.

I hope she spikes Jim's smoothie with vodka & gets them in a police chase.


I would feel safer flying on the morning of September 11th 2001 than letting Mary Jean drive. Or appear on my entertainment show.

HAHA HOOOL- So you’re saying that flying on a plane...on the day that the World Trade Center attack happened....would be safer than driving in a car with Mary Jean HAHAAAAA

And better than having her on the show.

is he gonna get high on dijon mustard? Why would he need her to drive? Little homo, be a man, and drive her home.

“What sccccuuuummmmbag put Dijon mustard on my egg whites?!? I’m a fucking addict! Sam, you’ll have to take it from here. I have to call my sponsor.”

Poor colin

Why would he need her to drive?

Cause using a cellphone while you drive is illegal

great point, actually.

Can Jim even drive himself anymore or is he too scared?

he's too gay to drive

Accurate point, his wrists would snap turning the wheel.

He’s not strong enough to turn the wheel.

Imagine the shrieking meltdown Jim would have if someone really did spike his drink.

Even the screaming autistic kid in a wheelchair would be like "You should quiet down dude, the neighbors might call the cops."

I wish someone on this sub had the kind of access to Jim to be able to get him drunk.

Remember when Guy Fieri made Sam Drink? Jim came back the show after and was critical because Guy didn't know whether Sam was an addict or not.

Guy Fieri goes on Jim and Sam because he wants to know what it feels like to be the least embarrassing douchebag in the room.

Holy shit what a phoney fucking cocksucker norton is. worse than those faggots that have to put "STRAIGHT EDGE" on every object they own

Fuck sakes! there is a tiny percentage of people who would suddenly relapse at the sniff of a rum truffle, including those who have actually suffered alcohol withdrawal.

There is an industry of addiction where everyone plays their part; be it earning money, feeling good preaching to people, or having your self-centered bullshit legitimised as if it's important.

Just don't drink too-much, & don't be a dick.

If drinking too-much makes you a dick, accept you're a dick.

Simples! You can have that for free.

Anyone with a big dick in NYC has access to that little fruit.

god nothing would make me happier than if somebody made jim unintentionally break his sobriety

I hope she gets sloshed and he has to stop being her friend because od people places & things

There ya go, Jim. Sabotage the only possible way she'd ever consider sleeping with you.

Solid plan.

She doesn’t have a penis, so Jim isn’t interested.

All the alcohol goes to her ass anyway. Jim is afraid of getting a contact-high through radiowaves.

To be fair to Jimmy would you want to spend all day with a drunk horny slut at a wedding?

She doesn't even have a penis.


I would let her fist my ass too! Sacrifices.

He’s a scumbag for inviting a porn star to a friends wedding. She punched their old producer in the face. What can you expect to happen at a wedding with family there.

Fingers crossed it's an open bar.

Shouldn't he have a hotel room booked near the reception like almost everyone else? In what situation would Jim not be able to drive them home if needed?

He is really fucking this up cause I bet she would indulge him in his dirty fantasies if she had a few drinks in her.

Mary Jean is a gross ghetto skank. I'd fuck her in a second. Jim has been friends with her for years and he'll never get close. Loser.

He knows she turns into Godzilla when she gets drunk and is afraid she might cause a scene. But he's a worm so he can't tell her that.

He thinks being a fifty-year-old at a wedding with a prostitute is less pathetic than having a beer there.

Wait is the Jellyfish actually taking that thing to a wedding? He really is a sad individual. It's starting to be to the point where I feel like I'm mocking a severely mentally ill man. Which I'm fine with.

I've posted this before -

I lived with a couple strippers when I was younger. Jim Norton is the kind of customer they despise. Basically the ideal customer gropes their tits for five minutes, hands them $100, then goes home. Strippers and whores don't want a customer who thinks they're having a "relationship."

I honestly think that there are hundreds of whores who have literally blacklisted The Worm because he's such an over-stepping creep.

I wonder if Jim actually hires prostitutes. I think he just made up stories to sound interesting.

He's one of those pathetic fucks who is fine being friend zoned because he likes being seen with the woman.

Inviting a potn star that you're not fucking is worse than anything CK ever did.

Yes, even worse than Pootie Tang. Sa-da-tay.

Taking a blow up doll would be less embarrassing. Jim Norton makes my skin crawl.

Jim went retarded.

Also, I'd fuck Mary Jean's dumb ass.

Jim “Incel” Norton

As long as you're a good and safe driver there's no problem driving drunk.


Also, statistics prove that you're less likely to die in a car accident if you're drunk... enough of these science deniers, facts are facts! Safety first!!

Sounds like you've never been drunk like a real man

Captain buzz kill, if he can't have fun no one will

Remember when Guy Fieri made Sam Drink? Jim came back the show after and was critical because Guy didn't know whether Sam was an addict or not.

Anyone with a big dick in NYC has access to that little fruit.