This has to be the gayest show on radio.

39  2018-08-10 by RBuddCumia


Dude id tell you if it was gay, honestly.

Man.. that's a hard one...

I did not need that visual.

little jay and the legion of skanks.

Ewww pink peen

relax charcoal chomper

You prefer ones that look like shit.

I saw the post earlier that Jim & Sam decided to have girls from a bachelorette party on the show. And I couldn't for the life of me imagine why. What bit could they be doing? How could do anything with it to make it entertaining or amusing for the audience?

Oh yeah. Male strippers. Now it kinda makes sense.

Not even that, making their interns be male strippers. Sam sure does love doing that bit.

No way, I heard he loves chicks and their tits.

Nah, that was AJ Poopyshitz. Sam Rodgers is just a fag who only hires young, twinkish male interns then gets off on sexually harassing them under the guise of a "comedy" bit.

Chicks with titssss.

Jeez, just goes to show what a crock of shit corporate workplace laws are. If they had twats there'd be a fat check coming their way for harassment.

They allow shit like this to go on, meanwhile if a guy wants to have a little harmless fun and film a fat guy sitting on a toilet to give his circle of friends a chuckle they throw him out on his ass. Fucking double standards like a mug at SiriusXM.


There is an entire station on Sirius devoted to giant queer Andy Cohen and it has less homosexual undertone in a 24 hour period than that disgraceful shit show.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Sam is the gay one. He's the one pushing this shit.....

They're all gay.

Opie is the only non-gay individual.

Jim Norton is a full on queer, Anthony is a full on queer.

Opie always wanted to see retard dick.

Opie has more testosterone in his right tit than Jim and Anthony combined

that's just for science.

More packin shit! Am I right?

Faction Talk took all of OutQ's listeners away from the Radio Andy channel.

At least when O&A did the gay off it was kind of funny due to the depravity of it. This is just queer

this woman will be cheating on her husband after 2 months of marriage

Isn’t that normal?

Remember the [Gay-Off]( This is tame in comparison.

"Naah man, it's something different. It was something I enjoyed."

Haha look how crazy they are!!!!

Yass girl!

The Gay Off was gayer