The first 40 minutes of today's show has been about Googling areosmith information

16  2018-08-10 by Dennyislife

All of it would take a quick look at their Wikipedia and its done within 60 seconds.

And none of it is interesting.


Should be listening to the Opie podcast for the real laughs..

are they talking about the van that was found by american pickers?

For a bit. Then they were trying to find out about the history of the band. Unless Wikipedia is banned there I have no idea how it took so long

It's almost as if this was a bad show with two bad hosts who have stupid interests and nothing to say.

I concur!

It’s almost like the Bonfire has the right idea when they do this thing called show prep where when they show up they have an idea of what they’re going to talk about. Part of what made O&A amazing is what makes all their shows now awful...they can’t mail it in anymore because Patrice or Louis isn’t going to carry a good chunk of the show with Anthony and/or Jimmy filling in the blanks.

spot on.

Jim likes dudes that look like ladies

Great fawkin song, brotherman! I go deep with da Styx!

Sam was trying to move on but Jimmy had to draw it out asking stupid questions and making them find a dumb song.

Yeah Sam even pointed out it leads nowhere and its boring. Yet Jim persisted.

That could describe anything Jim has created in his career.

"I just played the song Dream On on my Boneyard show. Yeah man, that's a good one."

"You've never heard Dream On before?"

"Honestly, I haven't. I'd tell you if I did. Was it popular?"

"You're asking if Dream On was a popular song?"

"I honestly have no idea. Fuck man, that's a good song."

Wait are you talking about the Eminem song that the tranny from American idol did a weird cover of?

"This Aerosmith... are they a big deal?"